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Atari Sears PONG price list (GUIDE)


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Hey all,


Having read many messages asking for prices, I thought I could share my experience since I'm a long time PONG collector with over 400 unique PONG models and over 750 machines including other non-PONG systems. Here again, BEWARE OF THOSE "NEVER USED" SALES. Most games have been used, and some are indeed very well preserved. This is not for such that these games should be listed as "never used".


Therefore, "never used" in this list will mean "a specimen taken out of an unsold stock".



Atari PONG C-100, Sears PONG: under $30 for a loose one, up to $200 if never used. Average: $120 boxed. Don't pay a lot for it. There is often one in excellent condition for sale on ebay, and there are definitely more of them than you think !


Atari PONG DOUBLES C-120 (NOT Sears): extremely rare. $50 loose. $200 never used. Average: $75/$100 boxed.


Seas PONG IV: $20/$30 loose, up to $150 never used. Average: $50 boxed


Atari Super PONG C-140, Sears Super PONG: Atari version is ultra common, almost listed daily. $10 loose (Atari), $20 loose (Sears), $100 never used. Average: $50 boxed.


Sears Super PONG IV: $20/$30 loose, up to $100 never used. Average: $50 boxed.


Atari Super PONG TEN (C-160): $30/$40 loose, up to $150 never used. Average: $75 boxed.


Atari Super PONG PRO/AM and PONG PRO/AM TEN: RARE. $50 loose, up to $175 never used. Average: $100 boxed.


Atari Ultra PONG and Ultra PONG Doubles: ultra common, almost listed weekly. $10/$20 loose, up to $75 never used. Average $30 boxed.


Sears PONG Sports II and PONG Sports IV: same as above but more common and listed almost every day. $10 loose, up to $40 never used. Average: $20/$25 boxed.


Sears HOCKEY/PONG: $25 loose, up to $50 never used. Average: $30 boxed. Uses GI AY-3-8500 chip, so it's not really an Atari game.



Ok, I hope I didn't forget any model. I didn't include the Sears-only games since they were not made by Atari, except for the HOCKEY/PONG unit. Prices are based on my DAILY ebay checkings since late 1995 (yes, late 1995 back when it was called Auction Web). You might find some prices cazy low: sorry if this is the case but I don't put ebay prices !!! I never pay much for my complete/boxed PONG games, so expensive ones are indeed rare, and they are not many.



David Winter


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You seem to have quite a few pong games.

Have you ever thought of doing a web site or guide like the DP one that shows pictures and info on all the different models and types?


That would be great to see.


I'm just starting to get into all the old pong games and will be picking them up so it would be great to see what someone who seems to know what he's talking about thinks the fair price should be.

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