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shadow460's Blog - Quiet day?


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Not a lot to say today, really. I had a job interview, and the interviewer seemed more interested in me than in my past. I am glad that happened for once. He just asked me to write in "see attatched resume" in the work history, and the resume is pretty comprehensive.


For those who don't know already, I lost one job due to a cover up within the company. They wanted me to hide some damage to an apartment from the state housing inspector, which I did. I told the inspector everything when I saw him the next day, and I filed two complaints on the company. They're paying my unemployment now as a result of the firing.

I also lost a second job due to attendance. This was affected by the loss of my stepmother, getting sick twice, and stress from getting married. I simply missed too much work, so I can see that company's position.


I quit a job of two years before all this, feeling that I had done what was needed of me and that I just was not a match for that company anymore. I remained friends with my boss there. He's fully staffed right now, otherwise I'd talk to him about going back.


Anyway, I may try that "see attatched resume" line in the future. It leaves out the negative stuff, which I will speak openly of if asked. It also leaves my former boss available as a work resume.

Ricky29 works with one of my former tenants, whom I saw last Saturday. I'm going to send the wife to work with a couple of notes written down and ask her co-worker for a letter of reference. I'm also going to ask three residents around here for them. One of my neighbors greeted me while I was moving in. I stuck my neck out for him when he had electrical problems that even I couldn't solve (later I learned how from my dad). That's one letter, another resident had AC problems last year and I stepped in on that. She noticed how the grounds were cleaner when I worked this property, too. I'm going to ask for a letter from her. The last set of residents had plumbing issues that I got solved almost on the spot. That's one more reference. I dunno if they moved yet, though, because I haven't seen their calico cat around recently. Four letters of reference should go a long way toward landing a job despite the negativity.


I've caught whatever was making my wife sick, too. My throat hurts like nobody's business, but I can work with that one heck of a lot easier than I can work with emotional trouble. Nine times out of ten, when I miss work it's due to emotional problems, and nine times out of ten when I have physical illness, I work full time right through it.


We're going to marital counseling Friday, and this is the first real session from what I'm told. We're going to handle it as though I'm a normal person, not some "he's mentally sick 'cause his mommy died" person. I prefer to be treated normally, not handled like fine china. Give it to me just like how it is, and I'll handle it, or I'll tell you when it's too much.

I'm kin of afraid, though. Ricky29's job is about gone (she is lucky to still have it), and one more absence could cost her the thing. If Friday's session goes is hard on us, we both could have a lot more problems to worry about than jobs. I've still asked her to quit the evening shift once I've become stable in a day shift job. I expect that to be a fight, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Today's troubles are sufficient for today, pure and simple.


At least we get to spend time together after her work is done every day. Things could be worse--we could be separated by distance where we don't see each other at all. Still, being somewhat separated by time is aggravating, because I always wonder just how little (or how much) effort is required to remove the separation.


Look for an emotionally charged entry tomorrow. Usually I have more trouble being alone than I do when I'm not alone. Hopefully it will be a good day. I gotta go to Norman tomorrow, so I'll probably hit a couple stores on the way back and maybe have some finds in the wild.



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