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Planet Bob - Plans for 2008


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Hi there!


So this is going to be the sequel entry to *drumrolls* my "Plans for 2007" blog entry! :lol:


More or less a lose ToDo list I may follow more or less close. (Actually I got pretty close with my list for 2007 :))


In 2008 I want to:


- Start / Work on some 2600 programming projects. We'll see what is grabbing my attention. There's always a couple of older ones I may ressurect, like for example Gateway to Apshai, Tron or Jumpman. And there's always a couple of shiny objects on the horizon, like Son Son, Water Ski, Ninjakun, or anything I'm currently discussing in the Homenbrew forum... the list is long :)


- Do a tech-demo regarding Zoo Keeper 2600. It's done in my head, I just need to find the time to type it in :lol:


- Maybe try again entering the NES programming world. Either ressurecting the Park Patrol project or try something new, like porting Encounter.


- Now that my "2600 Essentials" collection is done, I still want to sell all the other games. Also possibly write articles detailing why I consider my finally picked 13 essentials being so great :)


- I also still need to sell everything Coleco I own.


- Work some more on reviewing the Sega Master System library. I'm about 75% through it, having bought ~ 100 games for it so far and played a lot of others on emulation. I'm down to 60 titles I still need to play, so I might get it done next year.


- Play PC-Engine / Neo Geo games on the VC and also play Wii Mario and Zelda and Excite Truck. Why am I buying these when I never play them? ;)


- Continue writing articles about Rainbow Arts games. Start writing articles about Microprose Oddballs. Maybe even start a new series, eventually about Novagen or the Bitmap Brothers.


- Write many "Playing..." articles. This is great fun and will probably be a major time-sink next year. Maybe tomorrow already I'll start with the next game :)


- Also planned is loosing weight this year. 20 kilos less to carry would be great :lol:


- Continue watching Heroes and Lost. Well, maybe cancel Lost if it continues being streched without any real content.


- Be a good dad. Every day.






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