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atari2600land's Blog - Sleepless in Salem


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I've been having a tough time staying asleep lately. I'm used to laying there with my eyes closed for about 15 minutes before I actually go to sleep, but now I can only stay asleep for a couple hours before I wake up and have to use the bathroom. Then I can't go back to sleep because I'm up. So my schedule has been this thus far: Go to sleep for a few hours, wake up for about 8-10 hours, then repeat ad nauseum. So, I might catch the bus downtown and do a little window shopping this morning, or I might be asleep. I watched "The Quick and the Dead" for 51 minutes before finally giving up because a.) It's a boring Western and 2.) I have a short attention span. So I only watched half of it. Oh well. And I might get 2 Lynx games in the mail later today, and I'm excited because it brings my total to 38. If I order two more, that'll make 40. I know I'll be ordering Robo-Squash, then I'll be done with the R2s, but haven't decided what the 2nd game will be yet. I'll mull it over while I'm trying to go to sleep later.



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