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Flack's Daily Smack - Christmas Story -- A Happy Ending


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You may recall from this previous post that we (mostly the kids, with a little help from mom and dad) decorated the front lawn in a Candyland theme in hopes of winning our neighborhood's first annual Christmas Decorating Contest. The kids helped with every aspect of the decorating. Judgement day came and went and ... we heard nothing. After several days, we still heard nothing. I guess I didn't expect them to contact everybody in the neighborhood with a note daying, "Sorry, you didn't win!" but I thought maybe the winning yards would have had a sign or trophy or something posted in the front yard. Even a small sign posted at the entrance of the neighborhood's entrance would have sufficed. Instead we were left with a weird sense of inconclusion. Who won?


Turns out, we did! Well, second place -- but hey, that's good enough for us! Apparently the award committee just now got around to handing out the prizes. Ours, which was hand delivered Sunday, was a $30 gift certificate to Inner Urban (a place I don't really care for but, eh, free is free). Dad, Mason and I went out last night to celebrate -- Mason's treat.



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