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Planet Bob - Playing Galivan (NES)


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Hi there!


What an exciting surprise!




This is a game I played before on the C64. IIRC it came with some compilation I actually bought because it had Arkanoid on it. Total stinker, look it up in Lemon64:



More or less accidently I decided to at least give the NES version a try, since I already knew how bad the C64 version was.


And now this version appears to be a brilliant game! Yay!


I only played the first "area" so far, but it was a total blast. Imagine this game being a cross between Castlevania and Metroid. It even already has the RPGish character building, that the GBA Castlevanias have. You get experience points, have hitpoints, increase in levels, collect diverse weapons and items.


Excellent graphics, not too annoying muzak, fair gameplay - I'm hooked! Gotta continue playing this now! :D


(BTW: Anyone knowing more about Nihon Bussan or Nichibutsu? Is that the same company? I think they also did the Moon/Terra Cresta games, no?)






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