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Robin Gravel's Blog - working on a dating game


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Dating games are common on the internet in flash format. Most of them can be found in



Alright. I work mine in agi format. I know how AGI interpreter is limited for this kind of games but it's a challenge so I work on it for fun. Here the screenshots.



















La vie de tous les jours. Ok. I didn't find a name in english but don't worry, the game will be in english as well in french.

















First, you have to choose a character. You also use another name if you like it.

















Use all points left to boost power, intelligence and cooking.

















Here the main game. You have to go in different stores, houses (yours and babes) and appartments.


In the begining:

You are a single man. The first thing to do is either rend an appartment (easy) or buy a house (difficult). Then you have to find a job (you have to choose from 1 to 3 jobs).


To boost the power, you have to go to the gym.

To boost the intelligence, you have to go to school.

To boost the cooking, you have to go to the librairy.


I don't tell the rest of the story from now. You'll have to wait.



Bye. See you later



Robin Gravel



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