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atari2600land's Blog - I Thinx Lynx


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I'm going to get 3 Lynx games within the next week with two money orders. Yes, more. The games are Zarlor Mercenary, Jimmy Connors Tennis and Basketbrawl. So, that will bring my total to 43 once they all come. I also got Mario Bros. for the Atari 2600 in the mail on Monday, so I'm not neglecting it.

Also, who is Santiago Nunnez, and why does he want me to join Refriendz? I keep getting e-mails saying 'Santiago Nunnez wants you to join Refriendz'.

And, there was more snow last evening. It was above freezing, but it stuck to the barkdust anyway and melted this morning. They closed the schools down today again, even though there wasn't any cause for alarm. Snow isn't that rare of an event for Salem, it usually comes once a winter and does what it's been doing (sticking to the barkdust, getting less than an inch). Weird.





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