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Phantom's Blog - Get out The Vote!


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Whatever your political mindset, it is important to vote and tomorrow is a big day in the making of the future of our country and the World.

This will be the most important Presidential Election in our history and the time is now to make sure the right candidates are selected from each Party.

I also want to state that it has been my contention that John McCain is the perfect leader to bring us together in these troubling times. McCain was written off 6 months ago and thank goodness people seem to be exercising their right to vote and seem to be really focusing on the candidates at hand and how they may help America back to greatness. I cant say for sure who I prefer yet on the Dems side to possibly be our next president but I am hopeful Americans see John McCain for the true leader he is and by the recent victorys he's achieved in Primaries, I think they are starting to get it. McCain wont do something just because his party wants him to. He will do what he believes is the right thing to do. It sounds simple but its as rare a thing in politics as The Proto I found last week. Again this coming Presidential Election is the most important election to our country that ever was IMHO, and we all need to do our part whomever you are voting for. If you are on the fence with your vote, I suggest you pay attention to upcoming chances to hear the candidates speak and I honestly think if you hear any interview with John McCain, that you cant help but come away with knowing this is a man of charachter that speaks candidly and speaks about what he believes in and he will be the best candidate to bring both sides together. Both Political Extremes in this country are polarizing us and have been for years and they are getting nothing of substance done. The Fanatical right is taking shots at McCain and saying he is too democratic to be the republican nominee. They thought this would hurt him yet it appears it has only helped. Think about that though. Because he votes his conscience and doesnt vote straight down the partys line, he's being slandered by his own partys extremist. I dont agree with McCain 100% on everything but is there anyone with whom you ever have? I agree with him upwards of 95-98% I'd say and thats good enough for me and the fact that I dont agree with him, nor any political figure 100% is a good thing in general. It reminds me I have my own ideas on things and that I and others should think for self. I didnt plan on this sounding like a commercial for McCain so if it does, I apologize but at the same time I urge you to go find out what candidate from either party represents your own beliefs best, to exercise your right to vote and help to make a difference in this ever changing world. It is IMO, a responsibility more than a right in this critical time in our countrys history. We need someone that can bring both sides together and one who will get things done in the political spectrum instead of just talking and mudslinging and getting absolutely nothing of substance done for our country. For me, Thats been John McCain even before they nominated Bush 8 years ago and he's impressed me year after year since. Listen to the man speak and I have no doubts you will think, that this is the man that should be our next leader. It is more important today than ever to get out and vote and have a say and hopefully we all elect the right person. Someone that will bring this Country together! Im tired of the Fanatics on both sides tearing this country apart. We all need to gravitate more to the middle of the political spectrum, find the common ground and unite our great country as a whole as the coming years look to be some of the toughest to deal with Globally, to deal with that proper, we need to get our own house in order! Please do your part and atleast vote. ;) Cheers :)



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