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PAM Galaxian Source Code

Curt Vendel

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Let me see what Dutchman and I can pull together... and post.


For anyone who wants, there is a Vax simulator called SIMH (well it simulates more then vaxes) but you could potentially do all of the compiling in a vax simulator, compile it to object files and have usable code.


Here was Atari, making cash hand over first, and I've found numerous memo's from the software programmer groups all complaining that the eprom programmers were limited and it was annoying that they were offsite in other buildings, so they'd have to call over, have someone insert the eprom's, they send the command to burn the code, then have to go and get the eproms for testing... instead of just having 1, 2 or more right in the programmers area's to do locally...


Talking about working with stone knifes and sticks "back in the day..."






Anyone have any luck compiling this? MadMac doesnt seem to like it. :(




In order to compile it, you will need Atari Mac65, which ran on the PDP and VAX systems Atari had. Not the OSS version. It is possible to translate the game for use with DASM, but it is very tedious and time consuming.


It might be worth while to at least create some info on doing this if Curt finds more pre-ST source codes. Are there any docs on this Mac65 program? Maybe Curt will come across that as well.




I think that went "Stone knives and Bear Skins."



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Let me see what Dutchman and I can pull together... and post.


For anyone who wants, there is a Vax simulator called SIMH (well it simulates more then vaxes) but you could potentially do all of the compiling in a vax simulator, compile it to object files and have usable code.


Here was Atari, making cash hand over first, and I've found numerous memo's from the software programmer groups all complaining that the eprom programmers were limited and it was annoying that they were offsite in other buildings, so they'd have to call over, have someone insert the eprom's, they send the command to burn the code, then have to go and get the eproms for testing... instead of just having 1, 2 or more right in the programmers area's to do locally...


Talking about working with stone knifes and sticks "back in the day..."






Anyone have any luck compiling this? MadMac doesnt seem to like it. :(




In order to compile it, you will need Atari Mac65, which ran on the PDP and VAX systems Atari had. Not the OSS version. It is possible to translate the game for use with DASM, but it is very tedious and time consuming.


It might be worth while to at least create some info on doing this if Curt finds more pre-ST source codes. Are there any docs on this Mac65 program? Maybe Curt will come across that as well.




I think that went "Stone knives and Bear Skins."




That's from Star Trek right? Well, maybe not originally. The episode where McCoy goes through the time portal and Kirk and Spock go in after him... :)



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It's the second most abused feature in internet Forums, after the Caps Lock key.


What's worst is when people do it and the original text being quoted, or a previous quote of the exact text is sitting just 2 inches above it on the same thread page.

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For the love of god, would you chimps please learn how to trim your quotes? Nobody needs to see a screen-full of quoted text to understand your precious bon mots.


If nested quoting can be disabled in this forum's software, it really should be.



It's the second most abused feature in internet Forums, after the Caps Lock key.


What's worst is when people do it and the original text being quoted, or a previous quote of the exact text is sitting just 2 inches above it on the same thread page.



Anything that gets ZylonBane's internet panties in a bunch is fine by me.



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