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atari2600land's Blog - Contests!


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I called "Virtual Dieter" done and entered it in the 2008 Minigame Compo. I think it's a pretty neat game and I want it on a cart. But there's one problem: It has no label. That's where you come in. If you design a label that I like enough, you can win! Win what, you might ask? Either a copy of the game, or $25 in cold hard cash that you can spend at the AA Store (or anywhere else, for that matter, but why would you? :)) The cash is coming out of my own pocket. This contest ends Monday, March 31. The service I'm using has labels that are 825x150 pixels (975x300 including bleed space) for the top label and 825x1013 pixels (975x1163 including bleed space) for the main one. So we'll see how many entries I get with this. I'll post them as they come in (if any come in.) Well, anyway, check out Virtual Dieter in the Compo.



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