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I thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to our PSN IDs.

Continue to post you PSN IDs and I will try to update this initial post frequently so we can easily find each others IDs.

If you notice any errors please let me know by contacting me via PM.


Please have patience as I work to make the list better and easier to read. Input is welcome!





BerzerkZombieBentley = zombiecraig


BSA Starfire = matchless650


BydoEmpire = ZeyerGTR


cimerians = cimerians


Cpuwiz = cpuwiz


DaytonaUSA = ceramicsaturn


EricDeLee = retrodelee


Gaztee = Gaztee or Gaztee72


Giltygear = Giltygear


HammR25 = hammr25


Liveinabin = Liveinabin


moycon = moycon


Reaperman = Reaper7411


Seob = Seob


shadow460 = shadow461


Starscream = Bl1tzw1ng


Tempest = Tempest_2084


Tweety = Tweety_LTWG


wccw mark = pookninja

Edited by pmpddytim
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I think mines like Tempest 2084 (or maybe with a _ instead of a space, I can't recall). I'll have to look tonight.




Its with the space, I tried to add Tempest2084 and it said it wasn't valid so I added the one with the _


I added everyone, hope thats ok.



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Mine is:




I don't have many games, though. I bought the PS3 last summer and picked up Resistance and Spider-Man 3. Today I bought my third game, MLB 08 - The Show.



I've been waiting to hear some impressions on MLB 08, it looks great, love to hear some of your comments on this game??

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Mine is:




I don't have many games, though. I bought the PS3 last summer and picked up Resistance and Spider-Man 3. Today I bought my third game, MLB 08 - The Show.



I've been waiting to hear some impressions on MLB 08, it looks great, love to hear some of your comments on this game??


I didn't want to hijack this thread in case it gets a "sticky", so I posted my thoughts on MLB 08: The Show in a new thread here:



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Are one of you Ellis ... something or another?


I've got you on my list, we've played against/with each other in CoD4 at times. I can't remember if that person is from here or DP or somewhere else.

Just curious that's all. Great K/D ratio compared to mine. I'm pretty average in the game, but occassionally I'll get on a roll.


CoD4 fans: After accumulating around 4 days worth of playing online.... I've just now noticed something and wonder if it is something you all do... or perhaps I'm not thinking too clearly:


When you get your kill streaks going, at 3 in a row you get UAV, at 5 you get Air Strike and at 7 you get the helicopter. So when you get your helicopter going, do... or right before usin it, do you die on purpose? I haven't tried it all that much yet, but I don't think that staying alive with the helicopter really does anything for you. Sure, you can get a streak of 10 or so... but you are not rewarded with anything at that point are you? After 7 kills, they don't reward you with another UAV... etc. But on certain maps... you can get quite a few kills by the helicopter. So if I die. THEN use the helicopter...I can start racking kills again and in theory get the helicopter by the time my first one is gone (or at least the air strike). Is that what you guys do?

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  • 7 months later...

Mine's the same as my AA name, 'Liveinabin'


I've got:

Ridge Racer 7

Everybody's Golf: World Tour (called Hot Shots golf in US I think)

Wipeout HD

and I'll have GTI Club+ this week too.


I'm crap at all of the above and you will beat me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

well I'm kind of new to PS3, but my PSN ID is: Reaper7411 (finally looked at it to get it right)


online games I have:

eye of judgment (most of my current game time)


street fighter II Turbo HD remix

age of booty

Wipeout HD


burnout paradise


I've got more, like outdated sports titles and single player games with online ranking, but they're not worth listing

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OK, time to put my online ID here: Tweety_LTWG


* = most played the last week


Games I play online are:

Motorstorm Pacific Drift*

WipeOut HD



Gauntlet II

Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3

Gran Turismo 5: Prologue


I sometimes walk around in Playstation Home with a character that looks a lot like me ;)


Other games I have are:


Super Stardust HD*


High Velocity Bowling

The Last Guy*

Linger in Shadows

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