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atari2600land's Blog - Various crazy ideas


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First off, I think it would be cool to have an radio station that plays nothing but Christmas songs...all year long. I'd start one, but I have no idea how to start a radio station. That, and it would probably be very expensive. Right now I'm listening to Christmas songs. I think it's weird that Christmas is the only holiday that has its own type of song. So I'm going to write some Halloween carols. :evil: ;)

Second, I was going through some various stuff when I stumbled upon my pog collection. Remember those little cardboard discs with pictures on them? I thought they were cool and wondered why they ever went out of style and production. I mean, right now we could have SpongeBob pogs, Robot Chicken pogs, Family Guy pogs, etc. I'd like a pog of the washing machine-humping robot on Robot Chicken. He's my favorite Robot Chicken character. I think I'll make some new ones for the new millennium, but I'll have to investigate what type of cardboard to use, etc. Maybe something like the Atari 2600 boxes were made out of. What type of cardboard is that? And how do I print stuff on it? And how expensive is it?



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