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StanJr's Blog - Hard to "Blog" ugh.


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I don't know how some of you people do it. Writing your blogs every day or several times a week... I often find myself wanting to write something here, but then get repulsed or bored by the idea before I even start an entry. Why would people care what I have to type, who is going to read it? Am I so pathetic that every time something interesting happens I have to run and share it with my pretend friends online? Is that pathetic? Why don't I call one of my real life friends? And its been far too long since I called my mother. Oy, how I'm not Jewish I don't know.


Anyway, that said, I am writing today. Why, I don't know. (You want pure uncensored thoughts, you got it)


To catch everyone up: I'm on Disc 4 on FFVIII, about a good 3 hours from completion. What, oh, what will I play then? Lots of good options.




I watched Mean Streets last night, featuring a very young Harvey Kietel and DeNiro. A pretty good outing. Great story, nice plot, decent dialog. Only some amateurish cinematography suggested that this was an early Scorsese piece and not a later one with more polish. Great movie, anyway. Lots of 1970's boobies, too, if you are in to that sort of thing.


Watched a ton of good movies over the weekend, Bandolero with Jimmy Stewart and Dean Martin and Raquel Welch, Roman Holiday, did I mention I LOVE Audrey Hepburn. Dear Lord, give me a time machine and Audrey Hepburn's address..., also the House on Haunted Hill (another Vincent Price classic!)


Oh, and I think I am the only person not in love with HDTV. It makes everything look like it was filmed like a soap opera or a British sitcom. It does something so that the figures in the foreground look out of place against the background. Noticed this with Raiders of the Lost Ark this weekend on the in-laws big fancy TV. Maybe it's just me. I don't like it.




Comics I got today:

Captain America #36. Looks like Captain America may not be dead after all. Ho-hum. I' m hopping this plot is going somewhere good. I trust Brubaker not to screw it up. We'll see.


Uncanny X-men #496. I missed this when it came out. I've been trying to get back into X-men, but the comics have been really sub-par and all over the place. This X-men Divided story has my interest, for now...


Thor #7. Another great issue of Thor. This time we get some great Odin back story, and some good mystery with what happens to Dr. Don Blake when Thor goes into the the Odinsleep. Very cool.


Jungle Girl #5. The last issue of Jungle Girl, for now. I admit, I buy this for the kick-ass Frank Cho covers (no one draws women as well as Frank Cho. Dear Lord), and the very low impact "half-naked girl in the dino-filled jungle" stories. It isn't V for Vendetta, but it's fun.


War is Hell #1: The first issue of what looks to be a GREAT WWI fighter plane comic. It is a 5 issue series, I highly recommend checking it out.m Garth Ennis and Howard Chaykin really do some nice work here.



What else? I'm anxiously awaiting my thesis committee's response to my third draft. I'll be preparing for my defense in the fall, then if all goes well, I'll have a MA in Humanities concentration: Philosophy and Religious Studies. How you like that?


Ok, I'm out of steam, and I need to call mother before dinner. Have fun kiddies!







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