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atari2600land's Blog - I can't think of a title


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My sister is going to have a baby again. It's due in September. While for many it would be a joyous occassion, it isn't for me because I have an intense fear of babies. And I'm not kidding, either. I hate them. They're ugly and icky and stinky and stupid and loud. Of course, everyone else that knows about it likes the idea. I mean, she hasn't told Dad and Grandpa yet, apparently the only people that know are her, me, mom, her boyfriend and her daughter.

And, it did snow earlier tonight, but only for a few minutes and it hasn't even been *raining* since. They're calling for a rain/snow mix tonight, but I'll believe it when I see it, having stayed up all last night and seeing NOTHING.

I've gotten myself back into crossword solving. I found this 8-year-old magazine I got in 2000 with some of them partly filled and some completely solved. I dated the day I finished them. The earliest one is 1/31/00. So I've been working like crazy to finish the book up to the best of my ability so I can get a new one. There's 108 of them in there, and some I can't solve completely. Speaking of crosswords, today in the New York Times one, I pity you if you can't get 1-down. ;)



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