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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Leop of faith


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Maybe it's just the fever I've had for a few days, but I've decided to take the leap and upgrade my Mac to OS X 10.5 "Leopard".


Of course, I've heard about all of the bad things that can happen, especially considering how many third-party extensions I'm running, but I've updated everything, disabled what can't be updated, and hopefully it will all go well.


If not, I've taken out some insurance, by using NetRestore to completely clone my hard drive. So if everything does go ka-flooey, I can restore my Mac exactly to where it was last night.


There are a few reasons I'm updating:

  1. We'll be updating the labs at work this Summer, so I might as well get a head start on learning my way around 10.5.
  2. I'm going to be udpating to Adobe's CS3 versions for most of my apps, as well as Final Cut Studio 2. I figure I might as well update the OS first, then run the others. Seems to me the installs would be less likely to run into issues that way.
  3. I really want to use Time Machine for backing-up projects. Especially Stella at 20 and some other video footage I have. I've got a 500 GB drive set aside just for that purpose. I already back-up using Retrospect, and will continue to use that, but Retrospect is too slow for media files. So this will give me the best of both worlds.

What I don't know, is how much else this is going to break. Will FreeHand finally bite the dust? Will I have to pay through the nose to update other apps I'm running? And most importantly - will Stella still work?


I guess I'll find out in a few hours...



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