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The Southsider - Score Kernel Revisited!


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It seems that nobody was impressed with my 16 character kernel last time - the main problem being the introduction of unnecessary flicker! I wasn't entirely happy with it myself, but I couldn't think of a better solution at the time. However, based on batari and Manuel's comments I decided to have another look at the no-flicker 13 char text demos. The 13+2 char demo uses a neat trick of rewriting NUSIZ during a scanline to squeeze in an extra two characters, in addition to using the ball and missile sprites to draw the 13th character. This trick provides exactly what I need for my high score table:

















The first part of the kernel arranges the sprites like this (P0 is set to 3 copies medium and P1 is set to 3 copies close):


Using the NUSIZ trick it is possible to display another copy of P1 (by setting it to 3 copies medium after the third sprite is drawn). This gives the following sprite layout:


This layout provides the necessary four-part display (Position, Score, Initials, Wave) that I was after!


The attached code demonstrates this technique. I haven't actually tested this on real hardware, so I hope the NUSIZ trick works in practise (it works fine in Stella and Z26)? Hopefully everyone will agree that this kernel looks much better than my previous attempt!




Attached File(s)



scorekernel.zip ( 2.84K )

Number of downloads: 0


scorekernel.bin ( 4K )

Number of downloads: 0






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