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atari2600land's Blog - Fred


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My mom got me 5 blank tapes yesterday (I'm surprised they still make them. I guess it's to support people like me who just got a new tape recorder. They sell those new, too.) Well, anyway, I was wondering what to do with ten hour-long tapes, and then it hit me: One ten-hour-long song. But what could I call a ten-hour-long song? "Fred", of course. The idea of a ten-hour-long song isn't as new as you might think. The longest song ever released is "Somnium" by Robert Rich. Released in 2001, this massive song is 7 hours long. But mine will go three more hours to a staggering ten hours. Not only that, once I'm finished, I'll listen to it in its entirety. Of course, I'll have to devote ten hours to doing that. My plan is to record one hour at a time (one side of a tape at a time) every Sunday, so with part 1 already finished, I'll finish this project sometime in June. In kinda similar news, NIN's "Ghosts I-IV" will finally be released on CD tomorrow, which I plan to get. I guess it's for people like me who still have dial-up and downloading songs off the internet would take a very long time to do, especially two hours' worth. I'll have a review of it as soon as I get it. Man, I really need to get with the times here. ;)



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