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Liveinabin's scribbles - Mayan Temple Chic


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Has it really been a week?!? Good grief, how time passes.


So, onward and upward. I've decided to get the background and snake totally finished before I do anything with the hero.


This time, I've focused attention on getting the light and texture of the snake right. Well, not RIGHT as cobras are scaly but that doesn't suggest scale well (if you see what I mean :) ), so a more python-like smooth body works better here. The floor has been given texture and perspective with a Mayan brick design. Everything you see in this room is of mayan origin, by the way. They also have lovely mosaic work that I'll be using in the logo.

I've picked out the crown as the focus of the light in lovely clichéd movie style :) And, not being one to rock the boat when it comes to lost temple decoration, the treasure is, of course, covered in cobwebs.

Oh yeah, I've brightened the light source at the top of the picture by slightly erasing some of the linework.


I think, aside from working a little to soften the rather harsh black snake outlines, I'm done on the background. There's a whole load I could edit and 'neaten up' there, but I'm positive it would kill the painting. I've actually been forcing myself to use bigger brush sizes and not zoom in much when painting so as not to get bogged down with the minutiae (stops to check spelling of minutiae, my god I got it right!).




I'm going to have a bit more time next week to paint, so expect more updates soon. There. I've promised :) No more sloping off to play Telltale software's excellent Sam & Max games for me.



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