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atari2600land's Blog - Didjest


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Still no new words about the Didj, except the April Fools' Day joke I put up. My website will have its own print magazine, a black & white quarterly called "the Didjest". It'll have news, reviews, previews, etc. The first issue will have pictures of what comes in with the box, pics of cartridges and stuff, possibly next to rulers to show the size of the stuff. Here's a sneak peek of the covers of issues 1 and 2. I've just gotten started on issue 1 (two pages, and waiting for the handheld to come out.) Before you say, "hey, why are the covers in color?!" the reason that the magazine will be in b&w is because color copiers are more expensive. That is, if anyone wants to subscribe. In the United States, it's $4 for a year (4 issues), and that's to cover the expenses of printing it, which I haven't figured out how I'll be doing yet. I need to figure out what kind of paper to use, etc. So, while I'll probably be losing money with a low subscription price, it's kind of a labor of love thing, so to speak. So what if it's geared towards kids? I bet even adults will like this thing, what with games based on Star Wars: Clone Wars and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (both featured on the cover of the fall issue in a special George Lucas vs. Steven Spielberg thing. Which game will win?) Well, anyway, if nobody subscribes, I'll still make it anyway because I like making magazines and stuff. I've been making family newsletters off and on for the past 15 years now. I still have a few dated 1993 (stuff I did when I was 10 years old.) Well, lookit the preview covers. On issue #2, you'll notice that I can't draw very well. ;)


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