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StanJr's Blog - See this is what happens...


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I walk around all day thinking the various thoughts I think, and at some point a thought will say to me, "HEY! This is perfect filler for that Blog you have on Atariage." So I say to the thought, "You know thought, you have a point there, remind me the next time I get on the computer and have a little time and we'll get you into the Blog." Then, time goes by, I do other stuff and when free time ripe for blogging comes along, that thought is NOWHERE to be found. Thus I sit here eager to blog, but devoid of material.


Ah well...


here is the update for those of you scoring at home:




VCS: Ms. Pac-man (since I rolled the Joust score for the HSC, yes I am a badass)


NES: WAS Ms. Pac but it doesn look like the NES HSC is going to be participating in the HSC Crossover, so I am sort of dropping off. Looking for something else to play while the NES is hooked up though.


PC: I am about to reinstall Star Wars: Rebellion again and waste many hours playing that. I love that game, but it is a lot like the other micro-management games I love so much, I play them with a fury and then burn out and have to shelve them for about a year. Roller Coaster Tycoon and I go through this vicious cycle annually. Heroes of Might and Magic as well...


I have not played the Wii in about 2 weeks! Very sad.





Grapes of Wrath. What a great great book.


I finished Bounty Hunter Wars I: The Mandalorian Armor about a week ago. It was pretty good, I'll continue with the series when I need some good light sci-fi.


Listening to:


Let it Be. I've been browsing the Beatles catalog lately.



Movies I've watched:


Empire Strikes Back (like going home again)

Metropolis (amazing, simply amazing)


Good Comics:


Marvel's summer blockbuster Secret Invasion is looking to be super-mega-amazing. The first issue was WHAM in your face action with loads of drama and suspense.


Good News:

Got my third draft of my thesis back from my committee last week. Nothing but good comments and critiques. I will have to lop off 1/3 of the material and focus heavily on the remaining points, plus I have to add in a section regarding moods and religion. All in all I am pretty happy with it and looking forward to delving back into my research. Some day I'll blog all about my thesis and put everyone to sleep!


Bad News:

The chair of my department is a very difficult woman and is making it extremely difficult for me to negotiate the logistics of my eventual graduation. She doesn't make herself terribly available and is combative when I do manage to communicate with her. I've not done anything to inspire her disdain that I am aware of, thus this is all very frustrating to me. Not really bad news, but frustrating.


I suppose that is all for now. I know there are numerous thoughts somewhere in the back of my mind just screaming "HEY remember us, put us in the blog you idiot!" But sadly, I cannot hear them, because my advanced age has reduced my faculties to the point of near uselessness. So until I can manage to hold a consistent thought.....






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