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Planet Bob - Playing Shanghai (SMS)


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Hi there!


Another quick one, as usual with the Master System :P




Admittedly not a fault of the SMS system in this case, since I manage to solve 2-3 out of 10 random solitaire patterns. The above one was the 4th pattern I played and I solved it already, even though it started out with the worst case scenario, i.e. the top tile had no visible match :-o


I'm pretty sure everyone has played a variant of it before, so I'm skiiping the gameplay description. As you can see, the Master System variant is looking as usual, not having anything special. It's looking a lot better than the C64 version, but not quite as good as the original Amiga version. (I think it must've been one of the first dozen Miggy games at all, no? Only earlier game I can think of was Marble Madness.)


I like this one, though I rarely play it. Done it too often already I guess. It's more of a ZEN experience than a game anyway. Most of the time I don't even try any fancy strategies, but just let it flow, removing matches as I see them ;)


The SMS version has a pretty cool end screen, IMO beating the Amiga one:




Some future day the "Playing..." series may see its sequel "Shanghai II", but first it will continue with a racing game I think.


(You see I keep doing a forecast, even though I usually fail to deliver :lolblue:)






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