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Yastuna vol.1 - The Alchemy of Cubes

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You're welcome.I talked to Lance June 26th,and he figured by July 15th or so things would be ready for Lynx fans.Price?Wasn't sure.Email or call him for a current quote: video61@tcq.net/651-462-2500.Enjoy!Thanks.

Help me out here... I'm a dumb ass. How much is £13.50 in US Dollars?



Also I am getting this error when trying to buy and contact the owner:


A General Script Error Occurred

Error: Error loading configuration file ../acatalog/A000.cat. Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

Edited by EricDeLee
Help me out here... I'm a dumb ass. How much is £13.50 in US Dollars?



Also I am getting this error when trying to buy and contact the owner:


A General Script Error Occurred

Error: Error loading configuration file ../acatalog/A000.cat. Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner


Website is fixed and 13.50 Britisches Pfund = 27.03834 US Dollar :) Just ordered my copy:)

Help me out here... I'm a dumb ass. How much is £13.50 in US Dollars?



Also I am getting this error when trying to buy and contact the owner:


A General Script Error Occurred

Error: Error loading configuration file ../acatalog/A000.cat. Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner


Website is fixed and 13.50 Britisches Pfund = 27.03834 US Dollar :) Just ordered my copy:)


Thats funny, Lynxman is from Germany - In Germany it could be buyed be him .


Greatings Matthias

Just paid as well...


And I could not help it... I bought Krazy Ace, Fat Bobby, and Bubble Trouble!

Not a bad price on those... only about $50 each.


Drat! 4 days later, and although I was thrilled to find (and order!) the Mega Pack and both volumes of Yastuna, the other 3 (Krazy Ace, Fat Bobby and Bubble Trouble) are "out of stock!" Will they get more of these? Every time I've seen them on eBay, they end up going for outrageous prices, each time higher than the last.


Or does anyone have any other sites that has Lynx games for sale?



Video 61 (www.atarisales.com/651-462-2500) has all of these in stock.Some of these are not 'dirt cheap' to buy mind you,the exchange rates and overseas shipping make them expensive for Lance to keep in stock from Telegames UK. :) He's the only one in the US that still carries these!

  • 4 weeks later...
Hi all,


I am wondering, did someone managed to find hidden games and/or special features ?


Not yet, but as the content is not packed (shame what a waste of rom space!) thsi should not be a big deal.



Play and find, not hack and find! ;) :P

  • 9 months later...

All tips are printed in last french Revival fanzine, and will probably be also in same english number when available.


What you can find, with some help IIRC :

- tiny and ugly credit screen (tip found in Merlain's dress at beginning of adventure game)

- a simple mastermind with numbers (tip wrote on parchment given by Templeton, that you read at the end of edventure game)

- 30 more levels to Tipover (in order to get tip, win all levels from classic Tipover in one row, you will unlock new levels and get tips to play them again in the future)

- a small labyrinth game (tip : read carefully what wind blow in Merlain labyrinth, when you find hat)

- a beta version of columnsnoid (just imagine Tetrisnoid with columns gameplay ;) ) (tip given by Merlain game when helping Templeton)


Basically (except extra Tipover levels and MasterMind), all tips must be interpreted as sequence of direction and button to perform on main menu...

All tips are printed in last french Revival fanzine, and will probably be also in same english number when available.


What you can find, with some help IIRC :

- tiny and ugly credit screen (tip found in Merlain's dress at beginning of adventure game)

- a simple mastermind with numbers (tip wrote on parchment given by Templeton, that you read at the end of edventure game)

- 30 more levels to Tipover (in order to get tip, win all levels from classic Tipover in one row, you will unlock new levels and get tips to play them again in the future)

- a small labyrinth game (tip : read carefully what wind blow in Merlain labyrinth, when you find hat)

- a beta version of columnsnoid (just imagine Tetrisnoid with columns gameplay ;) ) (tip given by Merlain game when helping Templeton)


Basically (except extra Tipover levels and MasterMind), all tips must be interpreted as sequence of direction and button to perform on main menu...



I can't wait to pull the game out some more and spend some more time with it! I've got to put down Lynxopoly and spend a bit more equal time with everything else. Actually... what I need to do is figure out how to get past a part on EotB. I've been stuck for a little bit now. LOL

  • 1 year later...

Necroing this thread, just received my copy of Yastuna 1 and spent a great deal of tonight with it - happy to find your hints on here :)

This was the first text adventure I´ve played since my C64 days. Almost exactly 20 years ago (better late than never).

I mainly bought this cartridge for Tetrisnoid :)

Thanks to you programmers, cartridge and manual producers and translators! You´ve done a fantastic job!

I really need to spend some more time with this. I did find a hidden message and info in that game, but the item was never released. But that's okay. It was cool to discover it. I really need to bust it out though and have a bit more fun with it.


A little off topic... but still within the topic a bit....

Does everyone know that you can play ZORK on Call of Duty Black Ops? I thought that was so cool that they hid that game in the computer. :) I'll need to play that one as well. I never made it through Zork when I was playing it as a kid.

In fact, as there is no EEprom support, hidden messages are only hints to help you to find hidden games. Each message is an enigma to find appropriate keys to press to run corresponding game (basically, it has to be done on main menu)





I guess that codes have been given in french Revival magazine (maybe also in english version if already published), and transcripted here (in french).



In english :

Credits : on main menu press Option 1

Code break : in credit scren, while Yastuna is scrolling, press B button, basically, it is a Mastermind clone with numbers

Labyrinth : on main menu, press successivly : Left, Right, B, Up, Down and A - IIRC, you will have to find the exit before the time ends, you can swith mode to laser mode to destroy unwanted blocks

BonusNoid : on main menu, put arrow in front of Tetrisnoid and press 6 times to the right, (than press A as usual ?) - it is a beta version of ColumnsNoid (same concept that Tetrisnoid but plays like Columns), unoptimized (suffers from slowdown and colors are hard to distinguish)

Tipover - Expert mode - win all levels of Tipover from level 1 to the end in 1 session, it will unlock Expert mode (more levels) for this session and also give you a tip to enter on Tipover main menu (cf pockett.net screenshot)




  • 3 months later...

After having played the text adventure three times, I still find myself too stupid to access any hidden game! :(

I have now printed your above hints^^ and will do it again. Maybe it´s clearer in the French version (had only 3 distant very distant years of French in school...)

Never mind, I like a challenge! :D

EDIT Read the spoiler! Thought I could do without...Thanks :)

Edited by Atari_afternoon

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