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atari 2600 JR?

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First of all i,m from Holland so sorry for the typo's


I've found my old atari 2600 JR i guess ( http://www.atariage.com/2600/systems/sys_A...tari2600JrB.jpg )in my parents attic. But i don't find the adapter and conector cable (for connecting to the tv) with it. Now i'm wondering if its possible to use a resent tv connection cable? I've also got a adapter witch multiple conectors on it (one fits in the atari) is it wise and possible offcourse :) that putting this adapter in the electricityplug that it works? or does that action blow up my atari :sad:


p.s. It's a Dutch Atari. it's bought in The Netherlands. (dont know if its of any importance.)


THNX for the answers


greats Sossa

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OK, first any computer RF cable (e.g. NES, spectrum, Mega Drive) should be ok to use. I know in America some systems insisted on the atari modulator, but you should be ok.


As to the PSU - DON'T USE IT!!!!! Here's why:


1. There's a specific voltage and current for the PSU. Yours may have variable voltage, but not likely current (Amps).


2. It will be unregulated. You need a regulated supply. This means when you set it to 9V, it could supply only 6, or as much as 18V. Not good!


3. The polarity must be set correctly.


For a good psu, if you can't find a genuine one (some places sell them such as myatari.com) cheap enough, try an electronics retailer like maplin. e-mail me if you need the specs ;)

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