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Pac-Man Collection (ColecoVision) completed. Going beta test


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I noticed that when the names are set to alternate and in the USA version of Pac-Man, the ghost names on the attract screen are:







Is this correct?

Yep! It's consistent with what the arcade game does with those dip-switch settings. :)


I also see that on the rear cover of the manual, the Customer Service address listed is in Brazil. Technically it'd be Luc's address wouldn't it?

The address is valid, it's the same we've used for all our games, and we didn't feel like changing it. But it's true that it's not the best address to send the game to if a problem arises.


I'm glad you're enjoying the game, doubledown! :D

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LOL!! No worries my good man! I'm ok waiting a little longer.. to be honest, I was quite surprised when I received your email on the weekend! lol Thanks again!


Now go and do your ironing. :)

LOL! Actually, I do my ironing on Sundays, usually. ;)


Anyway, I think I have an idea about how to speed things up a little: What I will try to do is stay home all day Saturday and prepare ALL the shipping boxes. After that, I can just take a few with me each day and drop them off at the nearest post office. My problem right now is that I'm trying to prep boxes in the evening to ship them the next day, and if I'm unable to prep boxes one evening, I end up wasting the next day. If I prep all the boxes first, then I can ship them on a regular basis over the following week. We'll see how that works out... :)

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Are these numbered in any way?




No...and yes. The catridges are not visabally marked, at least not externally, but there is a "mysterious" number within the manual. I'll let Luc and/or Eduardo comment more if they choose.


The games really are awesome. I played for a few hours last night and great ports like these just go to show you...that I really suck at Pac-Man. :D Oh well. I guess I'll just have to play more.

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So if we didn't get any shipping confirmation, it means that our cart didn't get mailed yet?? :(

Yep, that's right. But not to worry, I'm packing them all up today (according to plan) and they should all be shipped later in the coming week, starting tomorrow. :) I can only ship about 12 of them at a time each day.

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First she seemed like a pretty young girl, who couldn't be hurt by any ghouls or villians....


Then she became famous and had lots attention...


She met Pac-Man (AKA Puck-Man in Japan)...


They did the Humpty Dance...


Had a kid...


The kid grew up...


He loved his mommy...


Eventually she got old, dried up and forgotten...


But then OpCode started making a game, and she was popular again, they even asked her to sing for the new Prez...


Finally her new game was released, and everyone got a copy who ordered it...


After 136 levels, a long life indeed, her world was turned upside down...



Edited by the.golden.ax
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Hi guys,


Here is my plan for the next couple of months:



- Sent more copies of PMC to Luc (black cases)

- Finish the Opgrade Module schematics

- Finish Arkanoid opening (which isn't as simple as I had anticipated, but which is looking [and sounding] better and better. Graphics are as close as possible, animation and sound are arcade perfect)



- Gulkave goes beta

- Sent more copies of PMC to Luc (black cases)

- Start Opgrade Module PCB


So, for what matters in this thread, there will be more copies of PMC available in the next couple of months (lets just say “enough copies”).


The long term plan for 2009 is to finish the Opgrade Module hardware and firmware, have Knightmare and Goonies ready for release and have at least one of the current arcade ports ready for release, namely Donkey Kong Arcade or Arkanoid. I think that's a lot of stuff, but part of that is already done, so I believe the plan is feasible if I keep working hard.

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I received my PMC today! And it's truly a thing of beauty. I'm in Pac heaven. :D

And for this joyful announcement, you are now officially on the waiting list for Gulkave. :D


Would anyone like to help me "use a phone"? It would be a real PLUS. ;) I tend to not be very good at these little puzzles.

Oh come on now, it's not that hard... Alright, here's another little clue: Player 2 is your friend. ;)

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I received my PMC today! And it's truly a thing of beauty. I'm in Pac heaven. :D

And for this joyful announcement, you are now officially on the waiting list for Gulkave. :D




Would anyone like to help me "use a phone"? It would be a real PLUS. ;) I tend to not be very good at these little puzzles.

Oh come on now, it's not that hard... Alright, here's another little clue: Player 2 is your friend. ;)



Ah yes, good to go then. :cool:

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Received the cart yesterday, looking forward to firing it up later on tonight. The entire package (cart/box/instructions) looks fantastic! I'm sure the game will play as good as it looks. Congratulations on the release to everyone involved.


I salute you two times!

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Received the cart yesterday, looking forward to firing it up later on tonight. The entire package (cart/box/instructions) looks fantastic! I'm sure the game will play as good as it looks. Congratulations on the release to everyone involved.


I salute you two times!


I am glad you guys are enjoying the game. After so many years in making, I couldn't be happier to finally see CV fans playing the thing. Please let me know what you think of the gameplay once you have the chance to play it. :)



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Picked mine up from the Post Office today, everything looked great. Only had a few minutes so I played about a screen and a half of each game. I have to say, the game is amazing, and using my original coleco controller from back when I bought the system brand new the controls are spot on.


Can you please add me to the waiting list for Gulkave?


I've been watching the information about Opgrade Module (can't wait for it to see the light of day), I have a question and forgive me if it's been asked or answered. If you hook the OM to the Adam, is there any chance of using it as a DD?


Thanks for all your hard work on your games.




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Picked mine up from the Post Office today, everything looked great. Only had a few minutes so I played about a screen and a half of each game. I have to say, the game is amazing, and using my original coleco controller from back when I bought the system brand new the controls are spot on.

Good to know you're enjoying the game! :D


Can you please add me to the waiting list for Gulkave?

Done. :)



I've been watching the information about Opgrade Module (can't wait for it to see the light of day), I have a question and forgive me if it's been asked or answered. If you hook the OM to the Adam, is there any chance of using it as a DD?

The Opgrade Module's architecture conflicts directly with that of the ADAM. So the OM will be completely incompatible with the ADAM, sorry.

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Got mine today also.


Tough choice - play Turbo for the high score club OR play PMC...






Nah... not really, playing PMC for now.


Excellant work Eduardo! :lust: my years long wait is over! :)


Later got to go play some more...

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