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Below is a ZIP file that contains what SeaGtGruff collected, plus one file he missed. If you have downloaded batari Basic from the official web site and haven't added the little updated files that were posted here and there in the bB forum over the years, you will need these updated files so your programs will work properly:





CurtisP modified a couple of these files because he discovered that some code that manipulates score and scorepointers was still being compiled into the code even though the constant noscore was set. It saves a few bytes of code and stops the 3 score and 6 scorepointers from being overwritten, so you can now use them for your own purposes (that means you get 9 more variables). The modified files have not been thoroughly tested, so use them at your own risk. CurtisP's modified files can be downloaded here:





If you have Windows 7 or batari Basic just doesn't work for you, try this:





Also remember that you should download the latest version of the official manual once in a while since it is periodically updated with error fixes, new examples, expanded explanations and so on. The offline manual now comes bundled with a folder, in a zip file for you to download, so now the offline version will look almost exactly like the online version. You can download the latest version here:






Update (2008y_11m_04_0717t)


Added the 2600bas.bat file that SeaGtGruff edited to fix STGuy1040's problem on a Windows computer.

Edited by Random Terrain
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
I agree -- this should certainly be a sticky. Thanks to jwierer for pointing me here.

It's also mentioned here under Getting Started:



I agree -- this should certainly be a sticky. Thanks to jwierer for pointing me here.

It's also mentioned here under Getting Started:



Maybe you should make your web site a sticky! :)



  • 6 months later...

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