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Atari v Commodore


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I don't believe GB64 numbers, especially when it has stuff like http://www.gamebase64.com/game.php?id=3213&d=18&h=0 in. That was just a demo we did back in the day and it keeps getting put on C64 sites as either a game or at least a game preview. lol

Atleast it looks like a game preview, so don't be surprised why people think it is one.


i'm still surprised by how it's classified; "Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling" indeed...

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The surprise comes after years of telling them and other websites who have it listed as a game preview, that it isn't/wasn't/never was going to be :) I suppose it's up to whoever runs the sites if they want to leave it in their db but we thought they'd like to know it wasn't just for histories sake.



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I don't believe GB64 numbers, especially when it has stuff like http://www.gamebase64.com/game.php?id=3213&d=18&h=0 in. That was just a demo we did back in the day and it keeps getting put on C64 sites as either a game or at least a game preview. lol

Atleast it looks like a game preview, so don't be surprised why people think it is one.


i'm still surprised by how it's classified; "Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling" indeed...


lol yeah I hadn't even noticed that. Shows how much research they do. Methinks that has propagated from another site with it listed as a "game preview"




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I suggest an apology is in order, don't you think?

To Caramel? So he can go on with his moronic antics?


Considering what you said to Rockford, I also find this a bit of a joke...



Atari Frog




Oh you're one of those:.....'but look what YOU said'....makes it alright, does it?


Anyway, Rocky Mountains resigned to the fact that I was right in the end, so there (see I can do that too)

Edited by frenchman
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Of course, C64 users see this and go, way hey 20600 games released for C64, COOOOL!


Actually, we don't... no more than Atarians take the 8,000 plus total at AtariMania as an actual count of titles because it contains multiple entries for the same game, homebrew, Boulder Dash levels, missing titles and so on as well. At most it can demonstrate that there were more C64 than A8 games, but after that...



Yes, Andym00 does believe so indeed.

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Of course, C64 users see this and go, way hey 20600 games released for C64, COOOOL!


Actually, we don't... no more than Atarians take the 8,000 plus total at AtariMania as an actual count of titles because it contains multiple entries for the same game, homebrew, Boulder Dash levels, missing titles and so on as well. At most it can demonstrate that there were more C64 than A8 games, but after that...



Yes, Andym00 does believe so indeed.


We = Plural, Andym00 = singular ;)




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It appears Learning with Leaper on atari was designed with NTSC artifacting as a consideration.

Here is a screenshot with emulated artifacting via atari800 emulator NTSC filter:


(click to see in larger size)


Not a huge difference, but reminds us to be careful when putting too much emphasis on screenshots for these comparisons.

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The surprise comes after years of telling them and other websites who have it listed as a game preview, that it isn't/wasn't/never was going to be :)

Most game previews never were going to be a game, otherwise they had become a game :D


I think for them anything which looks like a game but isn't quite a game is a "game preview". How else would you define it anyway? There are thousands of reasons why a game project might have been stopped, and some of them were just meant to be prototypes or not even that.

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The surprise comes after years of telling them and other websites who have it listed as a game preview, that it isn't/wasn't/never was going to be :)

Most game previews never were going to be a game, otherwise they had become a game :D


I think for them anything which looks like a game but isn't quite a game is a "game preview". How else would you define it anyway? There are thousands of reasons why a game project might have been stopped, and some of them were just meant to be prototypes or not even that.


Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying, I've written enough "previews" in my time. I'm just stating goldrunner demo WASN'T one of them ;) It wasn't "stopped" it wasn't a "prototype" it was a demo for a laugh, never one iota of intention to continue it past a demo, not sure why you're trying to tell me otherwise as I was the one who coded 1/2 of it? ;)




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Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying, I've written enough "previews" in my time. I'm just stating goldrunner demo WASN'T one of them ;) It wasn't "stopped" it wasn't a "prototype" it was a demo for a laugh, never one iota of intention to continue it past a demo, not sure why you're trying to tell me otherwise as I was the one who coded 1/2 of it? ;)

Gamebase64 is mostly made by gamers not scene people. They often do strange decisions, for example for them a crack is automatically better if it has "more trainers", no matter if it works or not or if the other version is on a single diskside and the one they chose is on 3.

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I don't believe GB64 numbers, especially when it has stuff like http://www.gamebase64.com/game.php?id=3213&d=18&h=0 in. That was just a demo we did back in the day and it keeps getting put on C64 sites as either a game or at least a game preview. lol





Gamebase64 includes many many games from typed in listings for a start. And then there are 100s of coverdisks from magazines of similar games that weren't released by a proper published (just the magazine).

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Same company as Zaxxon, those morons did not know how to program for Atari, probably took you awhile to find a title from that era that looked better than a8 :P


You will be surprised how easy it is :D

Today another full budget game from "golden era of Atari"... I wonder what went wrong this time ? :D bad programming ? ... more love for C64 ? :D


26 - Mr. DO'S CASTLE









The C64 version has better graphics, animation, sprites and plays fast and fluid. The atari version has ugly sprites, poor animation and works slower (even though the play area is smaller :D ). C64 wins again. :cool:








looks like nothing went wrong Atari 8 is clearly closer to the arcade version. How do I know for sure. I own this full sized arcade machine. The Atari is clearly superior. Thanks for the help Rockford! ;)

Excellent joke :D :D :D You know, in the kingdom of the blind the man with one eye is king :D By the way, thanks for admitting that the C64 version is even better than the original one from arcade. It really shows the power and superiority of C64. :thumbsup:

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Excellent joke :D :D :D You know, in the kingdom of the blind the man with one eye is king :D By the way, thanks for admitting that the C64 version is even better than the original one from arcade. It really shows the power and superiority of C64. :thumbsup:


And exactly now Rocky Mountains is entering dreamland again.

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Parker Brothers games were all cartridge only unlike the Sega licences on both formats as far as I know.

Wrong, Mr. Do's Castle and Montezuma's Revenge ended up as disk releases on C64 / Atari "flippies". Was Mr. Do's Castle also on cartridge on the C64? On the Atari, it was distributed in that format... in Canada only!



Atari Frog


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I suggest an apology is in order, don't you think?

To Caramel? So he can go on with his moronic antics?


Considering what you said to Rockford, I also find this a bit of a joke...



Atari Frog




Oh you're one of those:.....'but look what YOU said'....makes it alright, does it?


Anyway, Rocky Mountains resigned to the fact that I was right in the end, so there (see I can do that too)

OH DEAR :!: .....you were right... but when? who? what? how? :D :D :D .....as STE said you are REALLY priceless :D :D :D BTW, teach me again about the word "digitalize" :D :D :D or show us some more games like "Night Driver" :D :D :D You know, the discussion has become boring recently, so we are all waiting impatiently for your "ingenious posts" :D :D :D

Edited by Rockford
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You can put them with rating on the list:


Mercenary (EFT): 8.3

Mercenary (TSC): 7

Frogger II: 7.8

Alternate Reality (TC): 7.9

Alternate Reality (TD): 8.5

O'Riley's Mine: 7.3

Mr. Robot: 8.2

Oils Well: 7.5

Space Shuttle: 7.2

Colossus Chess 4: 8.4

Chess 7.0: 8.5



So, now you can put your 'Fantasic Soccer 2.9' crap on the list :roll:

(BTW: C64 Amaurote has 4.8 and seems more relevant then...)

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Same company as Zaxxon, those morons did not know how to program for Atari, probably took you awhile to find a title from that era that looked better than a8 :P


You will be surprised how easy it is :D

Today another full budget game from "golden era of Atari"... I wonder what went wrong this time ? :D bad programming ? ... more love for C64 ? :D


26 - Mr. DO'S CASTLE









The C64 version has better graphics, animation, sprites and plays fast and fluid. The atari version has ugly sprites, poor animation and works slower (even though the play area is smaller :D ). C64 wins again. :cool:








looks like nothing went wrong Atari 8 is clearly closer to the arcade version. How do I know for sure. I own this full sized arcade machine. The Atari is clearly superior. Thanks for the help Rockford! ;)

Excellent joke :D :D :D You know, in the kingdom of the blind the man with one eye is king :D By the way, thanks for admitting that the C64 version is even better than the original one from arcade. It really shows the power and superiority of C64. :thumbsup:

Nice try, obviously the c64 version is inferior,not bad just inferior. You really do not listen you know..

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