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Atari v Commodore


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Actually Gyruss I don't see much difference between versions, could just be me though :) maybe A8 has more sprite sizes/positions. I'm rubbish at comparing stuff like this. lol






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Actually Gyruss I don't see much difference between versions, could just be me though icon_smile.gif maybe A8 has more sprite sizes/positions. I'm rubbish at comparing stuff like this. lol








Nice site...



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of course I do not know the rest here... but I am little bit tired of being pushed by non-coders telling me doing this, doing that... or at least draining energy by involving me in a senseless discussion... ;)


Now i'm ignoring atariksi i'm getting some code done - here's a piccy of what i've done today:




(Y'don't think it's too beautiful with all those colours, do you...?)

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of course I do not know the rest here... but I am little bit tired of being pushed by non-coders telling me doing this, doing that... or at least draining energy by involving me in a senseless discussion... ;)


Now i'm ignoring atariksi i'm getting some code done - here's a piccy of what i've done today:




(Y'don't think it's too beautiful with all those colours, do you...?)

Very,Very nice work! :thumbsup:

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Here is some c64 Dig Dug..

Eshhh@! Squished, bad colors, slow play... This is the c64 I remember


To be fair, it's not much better on the A8...

Could be better for sure but it's only a cart sized game and we are comparing games from the periods. Both are not what the arcade is (yes,again I own this game in Arcade form) but the 64 version is especially bad.

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Both ST and Amiga suffered from loose chip syndrome. My miggy case was never screwed together cuz I constantly had to poke it. A repair guy I knew used to charge £25 to fix them when people bought them into his shop. He'd take them out back, make a coffee so it seemed like he was taking a while, pick the machine up and drop it about 6-8 inches onto a rubber mat on his workbench, switch it on and 99/100 times it worked again :) Back out to the front of the shop to the waiting customer. £25 please.




Sadly,that kind of thing went on here too... Scumbags.. I always had better luck telling the customer what was going on,and what we would try and often charged them nothing at all. My reward was generally loyal customers.

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Q*bert: 6.5


Galaxian: 6.8


(Edit: BTW: Ruff and Reddy: 6.8, Gyruss: 7.7 ;) )

Another Arcade machhine I own. A8 looks better but the play mechanics on both are totally different,also I would imagine as mentioned earlier with A8 cart games, it's 8 or 16k with small memory usage.. Still fun to play but a different game due to mechanics.

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Actually Gyruss I don't see much difference between versions, could just be me though :) maybe A8 has more sprite sizes/positions. I'm rubbish at comparing stuff like this. lol






Yes, it's not that it's bad and yes it does take some time comparing. both are acceptable versions. It was kind of to prove the timeline thing. In this example it's 1984, the comparisons are getting closer in this window if you will.

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Actually Gyruss I don't see much difference between versions, could just be me though icon_smile.gif maybe A8 has more sprite sizes/positions. I'm rubbish at comparing stuff like this. lol








Nice site...



That is cool! didn't know about that site.

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of course I do not know the rest here... but I am little bit tired of being pushed by non-coders telling me doing this, doing that... or at least draining energy by involving me in a senseless discussion... icon_wink.gif


Now i'm ignoring atariksi i'm getting some code done - here's a piccy of what i've done today:




(Y'don't think it's too beautiful with all those colours, do you...?)




You know, if you get this done to be a final game with some complex attack waves as in the "Ripper" demo, you may get some respect ;)

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Now i'm ignoring atariksi i'm getting some code done - here's a piccy of what i've done today:




(Y'don't think it's too beautiful with all those colours, do you...?)


You know, if you get this done to be a final game with some complex attack waves as in the "Ripper" demo, you may get some respect ;)


Aww come off it, that was under twenty four hours of work including the graphics and wasn't meant to be anywhere near serious! The attackers are generated using the same system as Mirax Force so are nailed down vertically, but they do run to a simplified version of my wave scripting engine so the result is more complex than Humanoid, for example.


And you'd have to zoom that image in really close to see it with those particular backgrounds, but it's not just a straight split of colours going on; once a character line there's an area where it alternates back and forth between the old and new set of colours (three colour register changes per scanline over five in total, the status line is doing the same thing) and the sprite recycler is working just before the DMA fetch when the DLI kicks in to reposition the two players and set both of their colours (there's another split at the end of each DLI after the background colour splitter that drops a new value into missile 4's X position for the static starfield in the background, but that's nowhere near as timing critical as the rest of the code).


It's been a very useful exercise though, for a start i found out that the serious game i wanted to do is going to need a rethink on a couple of counts because a few things i assumed the hardware could do wouldn't work; when i told the missiles to go into 5th player mode they started to ignore the priority register (for the shoot 'em up i was planning, i needed them sharing a playfield colour and under the background graphics) and the original idea of running the background splitting as a simple loop for the entire play area didn't fly because it ran out of cycles on the DMA lines to the point where one STA WSYNC was pausing things for two scanlines!

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Q*bert: 6.5


Galaxian: 6.8


(Edit: BTW: Ruff and Reddy: 6.8, Gyruss: 7.7 ;) )


The only problem is once again (as usual) the C64 version is coded by some retard at Atarisoft and is worse than the VIC-20 version. Also it clearly has nothing to do with to with the machines capabilities as a budget release of the 3rd game in the series called Gaplus is superior in every way to either version of Galaxian (as is the many rip-offs of Galaga like Zalaga etc)


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Q*bert: 6.5


Galaxian: 6.8


(Edit: BTW: Ruff and Reddy: 6.8, Gyruss: 7.7 ;) )


The only problem is once again (as usual) the C64 version is coded by some retard at Atarisoft and is worse than the VIC-20 version. Also it clearly has nothing to do with to with the machines capabilities as a budget release of the 3rd game in the series called Gaplus is superior in every way to either version of Galaxian (as is the many rip-offs of Galaga like Zalaga etc)


Yep, That is the problem often times with these comparisons.. both directions. ;)

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The only problem is once again (as usual) the C64 version is coded by some retard at Atarisoft and is worse than the VIC-20 version. Also it clearly has nothing to do with to with the machines capabilities as a budget release of the 3rd game in the series called Gaplus is superior in every way to either version of Galaxian (as is the many rip-offs of Galaga like Zalaga etc)



Yepp, like said, valid for both directions. I'd never cared about 'Q*bert' and like 'Pharaoh's Pyramid' more.

In case of 'Galaxian' the good message is, that both machines have a very similar version of 'Bandits'.




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