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Atari v Commodore


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Both versions are fine IMO, all I am saying is sound is different on both (neither better than the other for arcade accuracy though again) just that the C64 has a tendency to look flickery at some point but plays at the right speed as far as movement of objects on screen goes the A8 doesn't look flickery but the enemies move about 2/3 speed of the arcade and shot accuracy shooting the distant ships in the centre of the screen is less critical....given those two facts it is impossible to conclude the A8 version plays more like the arcade version.


I agree MAME isn't perfect but there are other emulator choices for old 80s games like Gyruss which in the past were better...like Sparcade for example. In the case of older simpler games and a reasonably up to date copy of MAME it isn't going to make much difference if you are comparing A8/C64 sound/graphics/gameply to the arcade thought still.

Fair enough.


He's mixing compares with other systems and using it against A8. To compare just A8 and C64, there's no reason to compare speed of ships. Accuracy? What bullcrap. Once you miss a ship and have to target an invisible ship, that's lower accuracy than shooting 1/320 of a pixel which I doubt anyone actually does-- mostly people shoot in the region of the ship given the fast motion. And it's better to get smooth motion than flickering hi-res graphics that only make the edges look smoother when paused (which feature is missing).

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Quite partial to the MoN tune myself.


It's alright as a piece of music, but I'm of the opinion it's just not right the music for Gaplus though.. But maybe it's because it was in just about every demo at the time ;)


Galaga 88 on PCEngine! Now THAT's galactic dancing ;) I can't even remember what happened to my PC Engine. I must've sold it :(


Galaga'88 (Galaga'90 in the US) is just awesome :) The music is just divine.. It's something I was playing with very hard to try do on the A8, but I just couldn't find the bandwidth for the sprites, whilst keeping the backgrounds (and scrolling), the swarm expanding, and having a sprite drawer that was fast enough to draw the trains and the amount of overlap they have over the swarms and could sensibly deal with the shenanigans in screen fiddling for the vertical swarm expansion, in character mode at least, and it bitmap mode it ran out of frame time at about 35-40 aliens rendering the thing.. It's still on a back burner though ;)

Edited by andym00
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Galaga'88 (Galaga'90 in the US) is just awesome :) The music is just divine.. It's something I was playing with very hard to try do on the A8, but I just couldn't find the bandwidth for the sprites, whilst keeping the backgrounds (and scrolling), the swarm expanding, and having a sprite drawer that was fast enough to draw the trains and the amount of overlap they have over the swarms and could sensibly deal with the shenanigans in screen fiddling for the vertical swarm expansion, in character mode at least, and it bitmap mode it ran out of frame time at about 35-40 aliens rendering the thing.. It's still on a back burner though ;)


It's my favourite arcade game of all time!


I just love it when you shoot one of those big bubbley aliens and they explode, it's an amazing sight! * POP *

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And right at this moment Rocky Mountains has become the authority on cabs, actually lecturing owners of arcade machines. He obviously googled.

Just give up on this guy. Arguing with him doesn't have any effect. I'd call this the "Oswald" effect.


So, I'd like to propose everyone to stop replying to Rockford. It'll stop, as he is only here for malicious delight, nothing else. Did you ever see him posting in another topic, or even reading one? Did you ever hear someting sensible from him?


Just to all: Ignore him! Shouldn't be too hard.

First you wanted to ban me, then you begged, asking if anybody knew any games that looked better on A8 :D and now you are crying "ignore him". You are such a brave atarian, so, why don't you stop dawdling. It's so pathetic ! :D

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It's time to leave atarian fantasy land and return to reality :D











The C64 plays more smoothly and has better music, sprites, graphics in hi-res, in which it resembles arcade version (on C64 everything is near arcade perfect: displays, proportions of ships, death sequence - check out the last picture and compare). The Atari version has graphics in low-res (strange colours as always :D ) and chunky, deformed sprites - very often it's hard to distinguish asteroids from alien ships :D If you don't believe PLAY INSTEAD OF WATCHING THEM :twisted: C64 is better again :cool:












The colors of your Atari screenshots are very inaccurate.

Blame Atari sites (like atarimania or fandal), not me :cool:


But you are the one, who compare games based on false facts (colors in this case)

You are wrong again ;) I always PLAY BOTH VERSIONS (sometimes even more :D )However some atarians (like number 63 :D ) usually judge by pictures or movies on youtube :D :D :D But even when we assume that the colours are slightly different from what you see on screen (after all vivid pink and green stars always look hilarious :D ), it doesn't change the number of colors or the resolution. So, rest assured :cool:


I don't know what you played or not. I just reacted to your post: you posted screen shots of the games (no more proof/additional information) and comment that like this: "(strange colours as always :D )". If you say that your conclusion is based on that you played both versions, why posting inaccurate screen shots? If you played the Atari version, how didn't you realized that looks different on a real computer than on the screen shot? I haven't played the C64 version, I just know, that the pictures of the Atari version are not right.

Do you expect me to take pictures and toy with colours ??? Don't be silly, please. ;) As for the rest of your question, I will not repeat it again, so read it carefully. My judgement is based on playing and it doesn't really matter if a star ship has a little bit more or less vivid pink colour in the pictures :D . So my phrase "strange colours as always" is related to real A8 colours. I hope it's clear now. :cool:

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OK I don't see what the fuss is about, there is clearly no difference between both version using VICE or Win800plus. The only differences are sound (personal preference) and that you need to be slightly more accurate shooting the ships in the centre of the screen on the C64 version, possibly because it is running in a slightly higher resolution.


There is the odd bit of flicker on the C64 version but this could be a sync issue on PC monitor/50hz PAL emulation of a C64. BUT on the A8 version (and I have two different copies of ATRs one with a trainer and one original dump) the enemy ships swarm around the screen at two thirds the speed of either the C64 or the Arcade version on MAME so clearly it is not exactly like the arcade as the ships move too slowly making perfect hits on the bonus stages on A8 a lot easier. So on has an interlace type effect and one runs the enemy ships at 66% of original speed.


Hardly a slam dunk either way...pretty much 1:1 if you consider these faults compared to the Arcade. I can see nothing more than personal preference between the A8 and C64 version myself so unless anyone has a technical explicit issue to add that's how it's staying for me.


And yes I know the arcade version very well and play it often but just played that too on MAME in succession. All games were played using one identical controller and I ended up on the same level on all three games with just 2 goes on each for fairness.

Just to remind everybody...wasn't it atarian63 who first put forward the nonsensical thesis that A8 version of Gyruss is better and closer to arcade ? :D :D :D There was the movie on youtube too LOL :D What's more funny, he still sticks to it :D

considering you have nothing in your possession to compare gyruss with, it is pretty humorous that you keep on with this line after you have lost.As many others here have said the A8 is closer to the Arcade. :cool:

Many others also have said that the BIG TEN is the best in football, and so what ??? It's rubbish, that's all. :D

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The C64ers must be very saddened by the fact they have him to defend Commodore 64.


I've got plenty of popcorn :)

Fuuny! Yes I look forward to ol Rockford each day. It's fun to jab a stick into his cage and see what happens. :D


Oh yeaaah, let's see how it works in reality. I show Q*bert and in ONE HOUR :!: there are posted 3 different and supposedly better games on A8 :D . During this time you made 4 posts showing 2 games :!: It must really have hurt :D So who is really inside the cage and who is outside, poking a stick into it ? ROTFL :D

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OK I don't see what the fuss is about, there is clearly no difference between both version using VICE or Win800plus. The only differences are sound (personal preference) and that you need to be slightly more accurate shooting the ships in the centre of the screen on the C64 version, possibly because it is running in a slightly higher resolution. There is the odd bit of flicker on the C64 version but this could be a sync issue on PC monitor/50hz PAL emulation of a C64.


And yes I know the arcade version very well and play it often but just played that too on MAME in succession. All games were played using one identical controller and I ended up on the same level on all three games with just 2 goes on each for fairness.


I can see nothing more than personal preference between the A8 and C64 version myself so unless anyone has a technical explicit issue to add that's how it's staying for me.

needs to be played on REAL hardware including the arcade version. MAME is really off for most arcade systems that is why I don't do mame and just buy the actual arcade game,emulators just dont cut it.


As for preference,when played on actual hardware and comparing to the actual arcade. A8 is closer and better.


Sorry but emulating an 80s 8bit arcade machine (ie Gyruss) has nothing to do with emulation accuracy at the basic level of game speed/playability...so that's just rubbish...A8 enemy ships move more slowly and C64 ones have a slight flicker when the screen is full (which doesn't affect collision detection), A8 graphics are LOWER REZ and also easier to shoot at the centre of the screen due to low resolution of playfield but C64 enemies need more accuracy to shoot them just like the arcade. Sound isn't going to improve nor are the graphics even on real hardware as is neither the speed of the enemy ships circling you. This is not a $6000 SEGA 64bit 3D wunderkind arcade game we are talking about on MAME either it's a game that has been perfect since 1999 on MAME .37 ;)


I own some old arcade boards but not Gyruss BUT all of the ones I do own are identical on MAME (Skramble, Donkey Kong, Commando etc) and if there is a problem with any game in some way it is mentioned and noted (until resolved) at mamedev central too, colour accuracy problems were the only ones ever mentioned for Gyruss and that was resolve a decade ago. Game logic...therefore core gameplay...is identical. And I am using a proper microswitched arcade controller to play the game on ALL THREE versions too so that's the 'play it on arcade not mame' comment stuffed now :P


Easier to shoot enemies due to slower movement and lower resolution of graphics requiring less accuracy != closer to the arcade.


Neither version is particularly shit OR stunning so again like I say it is definitely no slam dunk either way, personal preference.


I suspect some of the 'me too' rabid fanboys are not even playing Mame/A8/C64 together let alone own the real arcade (which means nothing except controller input differences ie crappy PC pads)

How dare you saying something like that to atarian63 ? He has got many arcade machines, so it automatically makes him an expert on this subject. :D He even has the extremely rare version of Gyruss arcade made by Parker Bros. :D

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...At the moment, it's been nicknamed War over Atariksia (at least that's what i have in the filenames and the header of the source file) with the planet in the title being the one with far too much colour about the place... i had a sort of back story that revolved around the garish nature of the place being used as an offensive weapon to enslave other races and the lone pilot thrown into battle being unable to see colour or something. And on other days, i've even been known to do "subtle". =-)

Love the idea ! ;)

I thought about something in that spirit too (stick to the topic of A vs B but in a constructive way) :)


C64 turrican player put in a Boss fight with Big GTIA Atari beast! :)

I would put an enemy from some atari game but couldn't find good one, so I put something from Amiga version ...




p.s. I must admit after few tries, it's dificcult to make something hand drawn that is nice in 4x1 pixel size...

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Both versions are fine IMO, all I am saying is sound is different on both (neither better than the other for arcade accuracy though again) just that the C64 has a tendency to look flickery at some point but plays at the right speed as far as movement of objects on screen goes the A8 doesn't look flickery but the enemies move about 2/3 speed of the arcade and shot accuracy shooting the distant ships in the centre of the screen is less critical....given those two facts it is impossible to conclude the A8 version plays more like the arcade version.


I agree MAME isn't perfect but there are other emulator choices for old 80s games like Gyruss which in the past were better...like Sparcade for example. In the case of older simpler games and a reasonably up to date copy of MAME it isn't going to make much difference if you are comparing A8/C64 sound/graphics/gameply to the arcade thought still.

Fair enough.


He's mixing compares with other systems and using it against A8. To compare just A8 and C64, there's no reason to compare speed of ships. Accuracy? What bullcrap. Once you miss a ship and have to target an invisible ship, that's lower accuracy than shooting 1/320 of a pixel which I doubt anyone actually does-- mostly people shoot in the region of the ship given the fast motion. And it's better to get smooth motion than flickering hi-res graphics that only make the edges look smoother when paused (which feature is missing).


I'm not mixing anything, I am comparing BOTH home versions to the arcade version. Also from your attempt to pick holes in my explanation it is clear you neither played all three back to back or are an experienced games player.


The small ships on A8 are limited to 1-2 pixels in size so if it is running in 160x100 you have 200% greater chance of hitting them. Also speed of the ships is hugely important, if Galaxian's moved 2/3 their arcade speed in a home version it affects gameplay quite a lot really. There's nothing wrong with my Gyruss skills I went through the first 5 waves with just 1 life so I am no n00b at this game :lol:


It's not my fault some people started posting 'more accurate conversion' type quotes and guess they didn't expect someone would bother to play all three back to back using an arcade controller. I am just taking the emotion out of this comment and putting some facts together, how you wish to use these factual differences from the arcade original between both home conversions is up to you (and anyone else on here)

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The C64ers must be very saddened by the fact they have him to defend Commodore 64.


I've got plenty of popcorn :)

Fuuny! Yes I look forward to ol Rockford each day. It's fun to jab a stick into his cage and see what happens. :D





6 posts.. :roll: pick pick poke! How about some more! Give up yet? :D


Edited by atarian63
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Love the idea ! ;)

I thought about something in that spirit too (stick to the topic of A vs B but in a constructive way) :)


i have a plan to unroll and speed up some of the sprite drawing loops but to get them working (and install an animation engine because right now i don't have explosions) i'll need to write a specialist converter...


p.s. I must admit after few tries, it's dificcult to make something hand drawn that is nice in 4x1 pixel size...


Yeah, it's quite painful isn't it...! i must admit that's why i looked at APAC a bit because it gets back to a 2:1 pixel ratio and just lowers the res in the process - moving it is a very different matter, though!

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So... I must ask the obvious question here...

"Have you played Atari today"? ;)

That jingle is actually linked from the "Have You Played Atari Today?" text under the AtariAge logo at the top of the page. :)


And the answer for me is, "Yes!"



Did not know that Al, Cool!

Yes, me too (play Atari Today!)

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My favourite Frogger game on the C64 is this little beauty from 1984.




Called 3D Jumping jack.

Gamebase64 link



I think if someone did it for the A8 it would be a great addition to a classic game...with some pseudo 3D. Most of the colour changes are on horizontal lines too even though it is isometric 3D


Excellent! Nice take on FROGGER.

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