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Atari v Commodore


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hmm well heres me thinking we are discussing readily available graphics which some decent coder could turn into a viable atari great courts conversion.



As sure as a Butterfly is made from mixing a fly with some butter...


Since it's already got some graphics, that makes it far further along than your prototype... any news on that, by the way?

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hmm well heres me thinking we are discussing readily available graphics which some decent coder could turn into a viable atari great courts conversion.



As sure as a Butterfly is made from mixing a fly with some butter...


Oh damn, I'm sorry, if I'd know you were "special" I'd have been nicer to you. :)


It seems some A8 users don't actually want any new games? Or maybe just don't want "C64 nerds" writing them?





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It seems some A8 users don't actually want any new games? Or maybe just don't want "C64 nerds" writing them?




What's not needed is some strategical "hey I'm gonna do some stuff for you" just for the cause of beeing fraudulent with a smile. Obviously only TMR is doing some useful stuff for the Atari. All other C64 contingent is just writing useless crap even in the forums. I don't await some useful stuff from people who can handle just the straight logics of coding on the C64. Coding the Atari needs a rethinking of programming techs and also a different type of games would be the goal to reach.

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It seems some A8 users don't actually want any new games? Or maybe just don't want "C64 nerds" writing them?




What's not needed is some strategical "hey I'm gonna do some stuff for you" just for the cause of beeing fraudulent with a smile. Obviously only TMR is doing some useful stuff for the Atari. All other C64 contingent is just writing useless crap even in the forums. I don't await some useful stuff from people who can handle just the straight logics of coding on the C64. Coding the Atari needs a rethinking of programming techs and also a different type of games would be the goal to reach.


You really don't have a clue do you? Get back under your bridge.


btw, call me "fraudulent" one more time and I will have a REAL problem with it. ;)




Edited by PeteD
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I don't await some useful stuff from people who can handle just the straight logics of coding on the C64. Coding the Atari needs a rethinking of programming techs


Oh dear... you really haven't been paying attention to the thread, have you emkay? PeteD's background is far more varied than mine, of the two of us he's the one less likely to be stuck in a C64 mindset and therefore more able to find interesting uses for the A8 hardware. At the moment he's not released any code or anything, but then again you haven't exactly been busy of late either.


and also a different type of games would be the goal to reach.


No, that's what you want rather than the actual case; the goal is whatever the programmer in question wants to aim for, personally, i want shoot 'em ups so that's what i tend towards writing and PeteD wants Way of the Exploding Fist so he's doing that. You want something else? Fine, but that's down to you to code and not any of us unless we want to.

Edited by TMR
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btw, call me "fraudulent" one more time and I will have a REAL problem with it. icon_wink.gif




Does malicious sound better?


No, it sounds like you're turning into an out and out troll. Hows your game coming, by the way?

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If it made any sense then it might icon_rolleyes.gif but like most of your posts it's just nonsense.



Wir können uns ja auf Deutsch unterhalten. Mal sehen, ob deine Sätze dann immer einen Sinn ergeben.


It's not just nonsense, if you don't understand what you read.

Til some posts before, I thought it makes sense what you were writing... but now... it's clear. You do some stuff to make yourself thinking that you have the right to judge over other people who know a bit less than you.


So "fraudulent" fits perfectly. And, well, when I was writing :


What's not needed is some strategical "hey I'm gonna do some stuff for you" just for the cause of beeing fraudulent with a smile.


.... there was nothing personal in it.


But, as we say in german "Der betroffene Hund bellt" , "The involved dog is barking"...

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No, it sounds like you're turning into an out and out troll. Hows your game coming, by the way?

Don't hold your breath - some of us have been yelling at emkay to quit whining about everything the Atari is missing and start coding himself, but it's not going to happen. It's far easier to troll here than it is to write software. Just ask some of the guys ow long he's been bitching about missing features in G2F or crap instruments in RMT due to missing PoKey features.



In a few weeks less time than this thread has been going, I have learned to use Eclipse + MADS for cross assembling, written my 1st custom screen using multiple interrupts (immediate VBI, chained DLIs), brushed up on my TurboBASIC 1.5 skills I had forgotten about a decade ago, started coding under Sparta DOS X 4.42, and did a quick text demo for VBXE2. Sure is more fun than all this bickering.


Stephen Anderson

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If it made any sense then it might icon_rolleyes.gif but like most of your posts it's just nonsense.



Wir können uns ja auf Deutsch unterhalten. Mal sehen, ob deine Sätze dann immer einen Sinn ergeben.


It's not just nonsense, if you don't understand what you read.

Til some posts before, I thought it makes sense what you were writing... but now... it's clear. You do some stuff to make yourself thinking that you have the right to judge over other people who know a bit less than you.


So "fraudulent" fits perfectly. And, well, when I was writing :


What's not needed is some strategical "hey I'm gonna do some stuff for you" just for the cause of beeing fraudulent with a smile.


.... there was nothing personal in it.


But, as we say in german "Der betroffene Hund bellt" , "The involved dog is barking"...


ooo clever, we could chat in German and see if the sentences make sennse, OR would you like me to post some stuff in Welsh? I am not and have never tried to judge people who know less than myself, in fact if you check the majority of my posts I probably help more people than you.


And, there we go again with the "didn't mean it personally" or "wasn't talking to you" argument. When you reply directly to a post and even quote that person why shouldn't they take it personally. As you seem to think anyone on here who ever owned a C64 is a "C64 nerd" despite not knowing their history then I'll take it personally for that reason too. If you didn't mean it, say so at the time, not 5 posts later.




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No, it sounds like you're turning into an out and out troll. Hows your game coming, by the way?

Don't hold your breath - some of us have been yelling at emkay to quit whining about everything the Atari is missing and start coding himself, but it's not going to happen.


Don't worry, i know emkay of old and on occasions have been one of the people saying that he should put up or shut up; my question was to point out that whilst he's taking a pop at someone else for not writing code he hasn't actually done any himself lately. It's somewhat ironic that he brings up that "the involved dog is barking" saying really, very appropriate but not in the way he's thinking.


In a few weeks less time than this thread has been going, I have learned to use Eclipse + MADS for cross assembling, written my 1st custom screen using multiple interrupts (immediate VBI, chained DLIs), brushed up on my TurboBASIC 1.5 skills I had forgotten about a decade ago, started coding under Sparta DOS X 4.42, and did a quick text demo for VBXE2. Sure is more fun than all this bickering.


Some bits of this thread are worth reading, especially if you're a coder... certain people spouting rubbish have been something of an "inspiration" for me and, since i've got feck all to do for the next three or four days, i've been working on a second scrolling shoot 'em up for the A8. i wouldn't say this is the busiest i've ever been with the A8, but i'm getting quite a bit of code written. =-)


(i've also found out a few more interesting things about the A8 today... nobody fecking told me that the display lists have the same 4K boundaries as the graphics!)

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hehe yeah 1k AND 4k boundary. Easiest thing I've found is start at the end of ram, PMGs, Displaylist, etc working backwards. At least for dev, can always move stuff around later. Wait, what am I talking about? I've done no code! ;)


As far as A8 coding goes, unfortunately by taking on a full game conversion rather than starting from scratch and bolting things together and therefore having things to show to "prove" I can code, Fist is a little more involved and has needed not only me learning the A8 (never done any before), remembering 6502 (been a few years since I touched it) but also writing PC tools to do what everyone kept telling me was impossible on A8 and to just do it an "easier" way. When you compare how long I've been working on it to say, IK+, Yie Ar, Outrun, etc I don't think I'm doing too badly ;)





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Don't hold your breath - some of us have been yelling at emkay to quit whining about everything the Atari is missing and start coding himself, but it's not going to happen. It's far easier to troll here than it is to write software. Just ask some of the guys ow long he's been bitching about missing features in G2F or crap instruments in RMT due to missing PoKey features.

Well, without emkays hammering on ideas of PM underlay I'd never get the idea of scrolling MCS: moving PM underlays under a scrolling background, like in my last 'demo'. After years of listening to emkays Pokey experiments I learned pokey possibilities and built a tune around some of that....so 'bitching' isn't the right word.

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(i've also found out a few more interesting things about the A8 today... nobody fecking told me that the display lists have the same 4K boundaries as the graphics!)

DL even has 1 KB boundary. To cross such a boundary, the $01 command is needed, but this wastes one (black) scanline.

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The thing is PM underlays is obvious to anyone experienced in different machines. It's been used on C64 for years (possibly where he heard about it), it was one of the first things I thought of using PMs for when I joined this forum and started to learn A8 (going back to the LN thread). POKEY I can't comment on apart from the "experiments" just hurting my ears but I do understand that they are "experiments" ;)


The thing that pisses me off and why I had an admittedly "slightly" over the top reaction to emkay is because of what is known as "Ad hominem". Because someone declares themselves as an ex (or current) C64 user and another C64 user is posting comparison shots and pissing everyone off, suddenly every C64 user is unable to have an opinion that could EVER matter or be right. Never mind their years of experience and number of paltforms worked on. So far there's me, TMR, Andym00 who are "C64 users" showing more than a passing interest in producing some new games for A8. Andy has done a multiplexer and God knows what else is brewing, TMR has posted a screeny of his "creation" ;) I'm just trundling along quietly (actually working on several things) and could care less if certain people don't believe that I'm doing anything, just as long as they burn in hell when they run it when it's released ;)




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Don't worry, i know emkay of old and on occasions have been one of the people saying that he should put up or shut up; my question was to point out that whilst he's taking a pop at someone else for not writing code he hasn't actually done any himself lately. It's somewhat ironic that he brings up that "the involved dog is barking" saying really, very appropriate but not in the way he's thinking.




I guess you eat everyday. How many pigs have you raised that you were allowed to eat a Sausage?

And why the heck do you say "this tastes -this tastes not" just by not cooking itself.


I really don't care about people who use this argue "put up or shut up". No one is doing as much as he has meanings . Vice versa, it unveils the mind of the person who uses this term.

And if one only has pulled of his feet, he has not done really much....

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I don't think it matters how many pigs anyone raised to eat a sausage, just as it doesn't matter how many games they've written so they can PLAY one.


You don't have to care about the "put up or shut up and nor should you", I'm not and that's why I'm not uploading in progress stuff until it's ready. Instead maybe have a bit more respect for the people who are trying to do some A8 prods instead of labelling people C64 nerds and then going on about nobody is really doing anything but being fraudulent. Maybe then other people would have more respect for your opinions. If you don't care about that either, fine but don't be surprised when people get pissed at you.


I don't know how much time you have spare but I could think of better things to do than make all the posts I have on this forum asking for help with A8 stuff, working out game mechanics etc with other people to be lying about it all.





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I have played a lot with

(video) for C64.


I think it could be made and enhanced for Atari.


Regarding gameplay, I think GameBoy Tennis (video) is very good.



Matchpoint might be a better option as fire as the size of the sprites goes, the GC ones are a bit too big to be done with PMGs, but then all the GC graphics are available and possibly even the source. I've sent an email to the boss of the company where it was done because he was supposed to be sending me a CD a while ago with a lot of old code from our games (some of it from PDS development systems).




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Matchpoint might be a better option as fire as the size of the sprites goes, the GC ones are a bit too big to be done with PMGs, but then all the GC graphics are available and possibly even the source. I've sent an email to the boss of the company where it was done because he was supposed to be sending me a CD a while ago with a lot of old code from our games (some of it from PDS development systems).


Regarding graphics, I too think of something like Match Point.

Regarding gameplay, I think GB Tennis is perfect.

If you haven't already played with it, please try.

Edited by Philsan
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Don't worry, i know emkay of old and on occasions have been one of the people saying that he should put up or shut up; my question was to point out that whilst he's taking a pop at someone else for not writing code he hasn't actually done any himself lately. It's somewhat ironic that he brings up that "the involved dog is barking" saying really, very appropriate but not in the way he's thinking.




i spent the day coding, how about you? Oh, just trolling around here and spouting rubbish again it seems so "blablabla" indeed.


I guess you eat everyday. How many pigs have you raised that you were allowed to eat a Sausage?


Eating the sausage is the equivalent of merely playing the games, what you're doing is going around to the houses of the pig farmers and trying to tell them how you think their job should be done and yes, that does require you to have raised some pigs yourself if you don't want to look like a total plum.


I really don't care about people who use this argue "put up or shut up".


Good, because that's essentially what you did and i was just throwing it back at you; if you don't like it, that's how others feel about being called "fraudulent".

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(i've also found out a few more interesting things about the A8 today... nobody fecking told me that the display lists have the same 4K boundaries as the graphics!)

DL even has 1 KB boundary. To cross such a boundary, the $01 command is needed, but this wastes one (black) scanline.


1K right... i only found out because i had it tacked on the end of my code rather than giving it a stand alone origin point and, whilst i was adding a new routine to the main loop earlier in the code, it started to randomly break the display list! Since i'm doing an LMS per scanline (this isn't the project i posted the other day) i thought it was that going squiffy and spent ten minutes trying to find where! =-)

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