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Sword of Iffrit development


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Boxes are kind of expensive to make, so for my projects I've looked into alternative ideas. If I can get my one game done/on cart I have a VERY unique idea of what to package it in.


As for making games, they're not too expensive. Circuit boards start at $3.50 and head up. Chips are a few bucks also. Then you need cart shell, etc. Look at the store here for prices.

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Just Download. Will let you know what I think after I play :)


Edit - Just tested it, This is really good so far :D I also think it should be a cart release when finished. I did notice one thing tho, I get stuck here




And also to the right of where I am in this pic. When coming in from the screen below.


Good work so far!! :)

Edited by Jakenut86
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Just Download. Will let you know what I think after I play :)


Edit - Just tested it, This is really good so far :D I also think it should be a cart release when finished. I did notice one thing tho, I get stuck here



And also to the right of where I am in this pic. When coming in from the screen below.


Good work so far!! :)


Hey thanks Jakenut86, yeah it's a lot of fun working on this game. Thanks for pointing that out I didn't notice that. Should have a fix for it on the next update.

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Ever heard of someone not being able to play a 2600 game because they scratched it? I think not.


Yeah Cd's suck! I love old cart based systems, not only do they look great they are also much harder to damage :)


Also there is another option for creating carts - you can buy all the parts and an EPROM burner and do it yourself but this is fairly expensive

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Any progress?


Been trying variations on the existing game..it needs something. I'm exploring the idea of adding a dark cave and breakable walls. I'll post a proper update when I get somewhere with it. But variables are used up so something has to go.


Maybe you are making some of your variables global that don't have to be. If some of them are only used in parts of the game, you should be able to reuse them for other parts; you can even mirror your main loop in another bank, and just change the things that need to be changed to create a whole new area, then just "goto" that loop/bank when the player enters that area. The only variables that should be totally "used up" would be ones that store the state/location of an item/monster, or on/off flags for have/haven't done events.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
How's it going? ANy progress on this one? I really look forward to trying the finished game.


Sorry Legend, I've been busy lately with lame 'life drama'. I'll see if I can find some time to finish the new build, though I really hate hit and run programming.

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