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Where did you learn how to repair/mod systems?


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"Getting Started In Electronics" is THE perfect book for beginners, and experienced alike. Everything I've been able to do, it's thanks to this book.


Here it is: if you can find it, buy it.



I walked into a local Radio Shack and they had it in stock so I picked it up. I'm going to read it before I start working on a simple project. Thanks again for everyone's help!

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I read through the entire "Getting Started In Electronics" Mims book this weekend. I certainly don't have everything memorized, mostly the part on FETs. I'm not sure I still exactly understand what's going on there, but I got the gist of it. For the rest, I at least understand what resistors, diodes, LEDs, transformers, etc are and how they work, and a little bit about how to use them. I think it taught me enough of the background to get started and move on to actually looking at projects and trying to figure out what's going on with them, with some effort. Maybe even put some simple things together with practice.


I honestly can't imagine a book that could have packed that much info into so few pages as well as that one did. Really feel like I'm up and running with only a few hours of reading... highly recommended.

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