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What development environment do you use?


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I was wondering what development environment people are using for doing 2600 development? I know bBasic has it's own IDE, but what do other people use to do their assembly workflow?


I use Visual Studio 2008 and a bunch of custom project settings to trigger dasm, then manually test in stella emulation before downloading to actual hardware.


Do people use the Rainbow IDE? Do you just use batch files? Or som other solution?


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Guess I should have paid attention to what I was last editing :lolblue: Oh well, it's not like it hasn't been mentioned elsewhere.


I plan to get back into Atari coding in the next few weeks. I work from home and have been working off my dining room table since Ike (water had leaked into my study and messed up the ceiling and my desk - thankfully I'd evacuated the computers with me). The last of the repairs were finished this week. I'll be shampooing the carpet this weekend and then setting up my new office furniture when it arrives later in the month. It'll be nice to have everything back where it belongs, including the VCS which is currently boxed up in a closet as it's normally set up in my study on a C= 1084S. My HDTV doesn't like the signal either of my Ataris put out - one's stock RF, the other's modified with a CyberTech S-Video Kit.

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How's this for old-school: Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW) with DASM and BBEdit Lite for source code editing. :ponder:


(although I haven't dabbled in Stella programming for a long while now!)

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Editors are such a personal thing to many, so I was trying to gather more information on what peoples workflow were like? It sounds like most are happy just using batch files to build their executables, and don't care about being able to click on error output, and being brought to the proper line in the source.


I have been doing a hybrid, but before I went in and did a full solution, wanted to make sure there wasn't a better solution already.


Being able to edit source, assemble it and debug it (at least through emulation right now), within the same enviornment has a lot of benefits (IMHO). Just because our target platform is primitive, doesn't mean our tool-chain needs to be. :)


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Editors are such a personal thing to many, so I was trying to gather more information on what peoples workflow were like? It sounds like most are happy just using batch files to build their executables, and don't care about being able to click on error output, and being brought to the proper line in the source.


I would like to have eclipse-like functions:

- refactoring (rename something and update all references)

- press ctrl and click on a variable/file/whatever and jump to its declaration

- info about macros parameters when you use it.

- set breakpoints in sourcecode

Edited by roland p
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I used good 'old DASM with the TextPad text editor. I wrote a simple batch file so I just have to type "asm file" rather than the complex DASM command line. Here is the batch code:


@echo off
dasm %1.asm -f3 -o%1.bin
start %1.bin

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Typicaly, it seems that thoes who have spent most of their time with computers from the earlier days, have been entirerly too comfortable with doing everything in text, hence all the coding. MS DOS, bat file, command line interface, note pad for crying out loud.

Text typers, this could happen to you...


The situation almost seems that there won't be that many tools that function better than what there is now besides the latest things for Batari BASIC. That is fine for Batari basic users but the others still have to piece together anywhere from 3 to 6 diffrent DOS or text programs and constantly deal with command prompt interfaces. I guess newer programers will need to wait for the next 15 years for the younger programers to rise to the challenge of creating GUI integrated programing interfaces. Not to mention a new asembler than one from 1988 no mater how sufficient it is.


If in the world of computers, everyone felt that a 486 was sufficient for everyone's computing needs, then that would be all that was ever made up to this time, and most of you wouldn't be able to do the things that all of us take for granted on the computers we have now. Most everytime we never know we could use something for a greater benefit untill we actualy get to use it.



In the next 5 to 20 years, there will be many computers on the market without any resemblance of a keyboard

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Typicaly, it seems that thoes who have spent most of their time with computers from the earlier days, have been entirerly too comfortable with doing everything in text, hence all the coding. MS DOS, bat file, command line interface, note pad for crying out loud.

Developing a more user-friendly development environment for the 2600/7800 has now made it to my backlog of things to do in 'my spare time'. There is no reason to settle for having to use DOS prompts to do anything meaningful.


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Typicaly, it seems that thoes who have spent most of their time with computers from the earlier days, have been entirerly too comfortable with doing everything in text, hence all the coding. MS DOS, bat file, command line interface, note pad for crying out loud.

Developing a more user-friendly development environment for the 2600/7800 has now made it to my backlog of things to do in 'my spare time'. There is no reason to settle for having to use DOS prompts to do anything meaningful.


You are now my hero! (that sounded gayish didn't it?)

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