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PSP phat partitioning, 1.50 homebrew, and LFTV


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It's possible to partition the flash memory on any PSP. I have read there are six sections to it, two of which are not mounted. The phat PSP has 32 MB of space divided between the four useable partitions.


Now, I was reading over at DAX's site that by adjusting the partition sizes of flash 0 to 3, one can create enough room on flash ) to run the 1.50 addon in addition to the Korean font and the Location Free TV. He mentions that a tird file gets deleted with 5.00 and up CFW when you install the 1.50 addon, and that file is used to input Japanese characters. DAX warns that adusting Flash 2 to too small a size can prevent one from downloading games and demos in the PSN store.


I think I have found the sizes that can be used for each partition on the phat.


actual settings:

flash 0 26944 K

flash 1 3072 K

flash 2 544 K increase size for PSN store, decrease size for LFTV, Japanese, and Korean text.

flash 3 96 K


This is what I set the partitions to with the software I was using. I think it's DC7, but I'm not certain. All the files for LFTV, and the Korean and Japanese languages fit onto the memstick, and I was able to download a 60 meg demo from the store.


Slim users don't have to worry as much--flash 0 is over 40 megs and flash 3 starts at 5 megs. 1.50 is run in a different manner for Slim users--it has to be installed on the memstick. Brite users also don't have to worry, as your units haven't been officially hacked yet. :P


After spending a while inside a phat PSP, I decided it was time to bust my own out for a while and mess with the settings. These work with 5.00 M-33-6, the 3.71 fatmsmod, 1.50 addon, and all of the junk $ony thinks fit to crowd the phat's microscopic flash memory with (except the DRM).


I don't have to remind anyone that slicking the PSP's flash memory like this is probably not a good idea, unless you're like me and lack any common sense whatsoever. :) It's pretty in depth, and if you try it, you MUST back up the NAND first. If you don't, or you mess up somehow, you can wind up with a type of brick that the Pandora battery cannot recover.

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