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Planet Bob - Playing Nebulus (C64)


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Hi there!


Let's topple some towers for a new "Playing..." article:




I was actually playing this one for two days on the Wii already, but no matter how much I tried, I could never beat the fourth tower... :twisted:


Your mission in this game is making it past all elevators and obstales to the top of 8 different layouted towers - in order to blow them up. Inbetween the main stages there's a little submarine mini-game where you're shooting helpless fish for some bonus points.


Nebulus is another classic example of the cool-graphics-effect-turned-into-game game. In my opinion the rotation effect really stood the test of time and still looks great today. The hardcore try & error gameplay unfortunately not so much.


It's pretty frustrating actually. E.g. even once I worked the first two towers out, there was still only about 50% a chance of beating them without dying at least once. That and the high amount of required memorizing would be my major points of critic.


Using save-states makes life a lot easier of course:




BTW: I can recommend the Wii version mentioned above, if you want to give it a try. Emulation is perfect and the controls work very accurate with the Wiimote. About the only flaw is the missing title (loading) screen, but it's not looking good anyway ;)


Some future day the "Playing..." series may see another climb it up in the form of "Impossible Mission 2", but first it'll continue with something else.






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