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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Message Board Mobs: Honorable evil


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I think it's best to consult a lawyer before you post anything. You never know how someone is going to interpret what you say. Every sentence needs to be expanded into at least 5 paragraphs so your meaning will be obvious to even the most dense.


A mob can form quickly and you can be labeled an a-hole or a troll before you've had a chance to respond. Your attempts to explain what you thought was obvious in the first place and your call for people to look back at what you said can be seen as "classic troll behavior." A mob can create a troll or an a-hole out of thin air. Even if you're lucky enough to have it all cleared up, you'll usually end up with some damage while the mob goes off on their merry way without a scratch.


Mobs are worse than real trolls. They do more damage because mobs are usually made up of pillars of the community; honorable men and women. The quickly formed "upright citizens brigade" goes on a little crusade hacking and slashing, raping and pillaging, drinking from golden chalices full of warm human blood, then they go back to their self-righteous, self-satisfied lives where they are convinced that they have never committed an evil act, as blood trickles down their chins.





Random Terrain




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