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atari2600land's Blog - Good News/Bad News


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First the good news: I finally heard back from the Goat Store and the reason they delayed my order shipping was in fact due to the show they attended. I guess when they get behind, they REALLY get behind.

Now the bad news: I'm sick. :woozy: Woke up at 4am needing to vomit. After I did, i thought that would be the end of that, but no, i needed to do it again. And again. And then, at around 7am, the diarrhea kicked in. It's kind of gotten better since then, but i do occasionally need to go poop out the liquid (and puke out the vomit). Hopefully this will pass by dinnertime so i can eat something without worrying about whether i'll barf it back up or not. I took some Pepto Bismol, but that didn't do any good because i just barfed it back up. I just drank some water, and that makes me feel queasy. I guess the good news about this is that i'm losing weight. ;)



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