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atari2600land's Blog - Still sick


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Well, i didn't think i would be able to sleep because of my stomach cramps and frequent diarrhea, but I did manage to go to sleep. When I woke up, I was still sick, although my stomach doesn't hurt any more. I still have diarrhea, and whenever i eat something, i'll barf it back up again. i haven't been taking my pills i'm supposed to because i figure why waste them? (I took them Sunday night, but probably barfed them back up on Monday morning, when my illness started.) And, with all of this going on, i've been having off and on migraines, too. My right eye hurts when i have migraines, I'd much rather it be my forehead, you probably don't know what it's like to have your eye hurt. It's a horrible pain. Anyway, I just wish it would all end. I weighed around 158.5 lbs. when this all started, now i'm down to 155, so i have been losing weight (yes, i know i'm fat.) I'm so sick of being sick i could scream.



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