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Happy Easter! This week's game is Eggs (it was the closest Easter related game I could find at the time.)


KLOV appears to be down right now, so I'll post everything later on. Here's a link to the ROM:



Edited by Deteacher
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MAME OS X ver 0.124.



Ah..you're on a Mac. The most modern mac I own is an iMacG3. I'm not certain at the moment what O/S it's running. I don't have a joystick for it either. :(


Edited by darthkur

OK, here's my best so far... 15140. post-8393-1239661574.png


I also had to update my MAME version to a new one supporting this game. And actually, this is a clone of "Scrambled Eggs", with only part of the ROM being different, so you need the romset for "scregg" too in order to be able to play "Eggs".

Make sure you download Scrambled Egg also, as it's the parent for Eggs, which requires a file from the former to run.


Thank you very much for that information. That explains why I could never get the game to run.


Here's the link to the older game for everyone else:





I finally got to try this game out now. It's really fun. I had never heard of either one of them before. :cool:








tip - hatch the red chicken last.


Thanks for that tip... I managed to do a higher score now... 25610. post-8393-1239897502.png


The graphics sure looks better in Eggs than in Scrambled Eggs, nice 3-d effect on the eggs, player and fences.


That's right... but I wouldn't call "Eggs" a bootleg of "Scrambled Eggs", rather a greatly enhanced version (at least graphics-wise). Note that the original comes from a rather unknown Japanese company, while "Eggs" was adapted by Universal, which had other hits like Mr. Do!. They also put in the "Chomper" out of "Mr. Do!", but made it orange instead of blue, and I think I've seen the main character before too.


Anyway, hatching the red chicken last makes the game a bit harder. When hatching it mid-stage, it will actually help you knocking away the enemies, and if you catch it, it turns into a hen which will help you even more by opening still-closed eggs so that they only have to be hit once more in order to release the chickens. Sadly, the red chicken and the hen can also be knocked away by flying eggs, so you have to be careful not to hit them, or they will cease helping you.

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