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EricBall's Tech Projects - Wanna be a pinhead


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Who wouldn't want to have their own pinball machine? You too can be a pinhead, all you need is the space and the cash.


I have the space . . . in theory. I have an unfinished basement but it has accumulated a lot of stuff & junk over the past decade of residence so there's not a lot of empty floor space. Getting stuff down to the basement is also a challenge as the stairs make a 180 degree turn halfway down. But ultimately no show stoppers.


The cash is kinda sorta there too. The royalties from Skeleton+ have accumulated a tidy sum over the years - extra income just looking for something to be spent on. Pins can range from several thousand dollars for a NiB Stern or a mint "classic" to $500 or less for a fixer-upper or older electro-mechanical.


One thing which experience has shown me is although I can fix things, that doesn't mean I will fix things. So my preference is for something which is 100% working. (And remember, anything which is labeled "easy fix" isn't or the seller would have fixed it.) Unfortunately, that cuts out a lot of pins available in the under $1000 range, particularly if I also avoid the EMs. (More because they tend to be fairly simple and therefore not worth the $$ IMHO.) Of course, I could get a NiB Stern but that's way beyond my "mad money" price range.


The problem is, even if I stick to my "off the books mad money", I'm still spending hundreds of dollars on an entertainment item. I already have a PS3, Wii and other consoles to "spend" my limitted entertainment time on. Would a pin be worth the $$, or would it end up gathering dust after the newness wears off?




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