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CinciClassic attendees-show of hands!


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I have had the pleasure of attending all three of the Cinciclassic events held thus far .. and the show has grown with each year! Way fun and a great bunch of guys organizing and attending the show!


Unfortunately my wife has to have surgery and that has been rescheduled for this Friday. So regretfully I will not be attending this year. I have forwarded all my new to-show Vectrex items to Pat O'Neill who will show and sell them.


Hopefully I will make it next year. Y'all have fun!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Oh, I thought the ropes and the Chloroform was for ME, BP!  Imagine my surprise! :ponder:


Ahhh! Abort mission. There's just no time now to get Tigger. Damn misunderstanding.


Well, everyone who's going to be there, see you tomorrow (or Saturday if that's going to be your first day there.)


We will have a complete report for all who can't make it. See ya! :)

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Well, everyone who's going to be there, see you tomorrow (or Saturday if that's going to be your first day there.)


We will have a complete report for all who can't make it.  See ya!  :)

I will see you guys there tomorrow(saturday is my first day there). Is atariage making name tags? If so, I'd sure like one.

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I just got back from Cinciclassic at about 10:30. It was a blast! I met Snider-man and bought Marble Craze from him. I met StanJR(well kind of) and I bought some games off of him and he GAVE me Air Sea Battle because it was $0.50 and I was digging in my pocket for loose change. I saw pitfall-aimee like standing/sitting in a corner for awhile and I saw Albert there also. Berzerk VE was very cool, but I decided to buy Marble Craze, one of the reasons being StanJR recommended it very much, saying it was the best homebrew out there right now. So all together I picked up about 12 2600 carts - most games being $1-$2 except for Marble Craze, a few Sega Genesis carts and a genesis manual for a game I already have, an Atari Jaguar - for $20 then I paid some guy like $1 for cybermorph, and a TurboGrafx 16 - the guy said the system doesn't let you turn left with any control pad so I bought it for $5($6 including 1 game) and I bought a control pad off of another guy for $4. It didn't include any hookups but they're standard, so I tried it out and IT LETS ME TURN LEFT! So I'm pretty happy with my purchases. So to sum it up, the Cinciclassic was GREAT and I was only there until like 5 PM.

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I just got back home from Cincy...great show.


Taked to Sniderman on and off for about 2 hours...btw, thanks for all the free stuff, especially the self-inflating whoopee cushion!!!


StanJr's definitely one cool dude (even with that wretched Tennessee Titans hat ;) ) can't wait to start playing with that NES, once I put it back together.


Aimee was off and on from making fun of Stan or sitting quietly in the corner, great deal on those TI994A carts though!!!


Albert was just all over the place, didn't get a chance to talk to him too much though.


Big Player, I'm sure after today, you neeer want to see or talk about Black Widow ever again...


Tempest, so, do you have a setup of that Para Para ...whatever game yet??? ;)


Met a few others from the board, but after a two hour drive, I can't remember them right now (sorry!!)


Lots of fun at that show, I think I bought something from all but 3 tables!!!


I know I came in with around $180, and I left with 84 cents in my pocket, and a flat empty wallet. I had to bum money of my best friend to get a Mountain Dew on the way home!!!


I was also very stunned to come in 3rd in that Trivia Contest...I still want to know what they were smoking when they came up with the box art of Flag Capture...


SO I just want to say that Cinciclassic 2002 was a wonderful show...all the AA people were really cool to hang out with (especially while waiting about 2 hours past the time I wanted to leave because of that stupid Black Widow contest, and after all that waiting I got 4th and no prize :( Thank goodness for the trivia contest or I would have been mad waiting around for nothing...)


Tomorrow, a complete list of everything I came home with...I actually can't remember it all right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Had a great time at the show today, once we found it! Seems someone went and moved Ruby Tuesdays to the other end of the mall! Enjoyed meeting some of the people I've dealt with in the past and also a few new people I'll probably deal with in the future. Most were suprised to find out that I drove in from Iowa. Picked up a copy of implode and several titles from Gooddealgames. (Keep up the great work)

Also picked up a few vectrex carts, some saturn games and a copy of the videogame bible. Now if I can just find a way to schedule a business trip to Philly next spring!

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Had a great time at the show today, once we found it! Seems someone went and moved Ruby Tuesdays to the other end of the mall! Enjoyed meeting some of the people I've dealt with in the past and also a few new people I'll probably deal with in the future. Most were suprised to find out that I drove in from Iowa. Picked up a copy of implode and several titles from Gooddealgames. (Keep up the great work)

Also picked up a few vectrex carts, some saturn games and a copy of the videogame bible. Now if I can just find a way to schedule a business trip to Philly next spring!


Same thing happened to us, so we asked a security guard, and he said it was all the way on the other side of the mall. So I walked down there, and I saw everybody waiting there, and many were wearing atari shirts and one guy was holding a huge stuffed mario, so I knew i was in the right place! :)

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OK, like I promised...a complete list of everything I got at Cinciclassic (I know, like you care...)




Digital Press Guide

Video Game Bible


Board games



Donkey Kong



Odyssey 2


Take The Money And Run!

Out Of This World! Helicopter Rescue!

Armored Encounter! Sub Chase!


Atari 2600



Star Wars Jedi Arena

Air Raiders


Sega Master System



Zillion II: Triformation




Jawbreaker II

Buck Rogers

The Attack

Donkey Kong

Super Demon Attack

TI Invaders

Star Trek









MTV'S Remote Control

Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular








Excitebike 64


Virtual Boy


Galactic Pinball




No.2 Games Greatest Hits


Random Free Stuff


NES console from StanJr

Fighter Stick SG-6 for placing 3rd in the trivia contest

A Whoopee Cushion

The Wizard on VHS

More magnets than I know what to do with - all those from Snider-Man.


Again, a great show!! And it was great meeting so many of you there!!!

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What a blast!


Got to meet, talk and hangout with:









Stan jr



I was able to pick up so much great stuff, I'm still going through it all now.


@Icecold: Dude, why didn't you say something. Anyone you saw on Saturday wearing an AtariAge T-shirt was a regular poster to the boards. I was the short, balding guy. Glad you could make it and be sure to enjoy Marble Craze. :)


@Scooterb23: I still like Black Widow--a fun game I just havn't played much other than on MAME. Now I not too proud about having the lowest score in the Black Widow tournment, but I don't blame the game. I just won't enter any more Black Widow tournments. ;) Too bad I couldn't have helped you with the Flag Capture picture. I did know it, but not enough of the other questions.


I'll post more later--still catching up on everything. :D

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Also, I want to say that everybody at Cincliclassic were extremely nice. StanJR let me test most of the games I got on his VCS, a woman let me use the hookups from her genesis/sega cd so that I could test the one I was buying, and everybody was just so willing to help out somebody else.

On another note, did anybody see that one guy's score on Kaboom!??????? I have no idea how he was able to do it, I didn't see anybody get even close that high of a score.

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I just realized something, if you did the buy it now on this auction http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=1385146330 and paid the $10 shipping, you'd pay just as much for a defective jag with no controlelrs/hookups/etc. as i did for a working jag with 1 controller and the hookups at Cinciclassic. I feel I got a good deal :D :D :) :)

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@Icecold: Dude, why didn't you say something. Anyone you saw on Saturday wearing an AtariAge T-shirt was a regular poster to the boards. I was the short, balding guy. Glad you could make it and be sure to enjoy Marble Craze.  


which short balding guy???


just kidding...was atariage giving out t-shirts, i rarely pass up the chance for a free t-shirt. i did not have a table, but wandered about quite a bit...i was wearing a tye-dye shirt...was there more than one tie-dye there? can't wait to see pictures. from last year's pictures, i'm the guy called "???"

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1. The Kaboom! score -- 33,000. His name is Chuck, right? I've seen him around at Philly too I believe, and knock good ole Cafeman's score of 5,000 down to 2nd and then 3rd place. (on Friday night, not in the tourny, I actually got 12,000 and felt cool until Chuck obliterated that the next day). Man, people were taking pictures and shaking his hand, etc.


HOWEVER -- it was the Atari 8bit computer version we were playing and we all agreed that it seems a wee SLOWER than the 2600 version. I have no idea why that is, but it must be true. I never get 12,000 on my 2600, and the high score guy and his friend (names? I'm bad with 'em) said the same thing.


2. Met lots of folks. I had already met Al before (he is much sleepier in person), and Tempest already too (there were no Atari programmers for him to stalk there ;) ). New people: Mike from Good Deal Games, Snider-Man (friendly and funny guy I though), Stan Jr (also on the friendly / funny side), Pitfall Aimee (quiet young lady), and by whose name did their other friend go by here? I forget all the aliases -- was that you, Big Player, who went with us to the D&B Friday night? ScooterB, we talked briefly during the infamous "Stan VS Snider-Man Entombed Deathmatch" which was PRETTY !@#$ FUNNY to me!


3. Rules of Acquisition: I picked up Thunderforce V, a Saturn import, for $25; also Fighting Vipers 2, a Dreamcast import I've been looking for, for $35; there were no 5200 games at all except the AtariAge homebrews/rereleases; I got Atari 2600 Video Pinball from Stan (FREE!), which I've never played, and also found Frostbite, which I love. Oh, got a Gameboy color and 2 games for it too. You know, there were a LOT of Sega CD titles there -- also a SEGA CDX for $100 which I waited on & missed.


4. The Show: fun! Kaboom tourny, Marvel vs Cap2 tourny, Baku Baku Animal tourny (I lost 2nd round, CRAP!) = fun stuff. I enjoyed watching those guys play those beatmania, guitaroo man and other dance rhythm games. Check your pride at the door before you start to play those ones. The sight of Tempest breakdancing ..... ;)


5. Playtime: I played Thrust (awesome, technically impressive too), Berzerk VE (the voice is better than the 5200 version!), Space Treat (lots of fun!), I also somehow beat the easy level of Haunted House II as I was showing Fred H. the game, to my surprise. Also met Brian (Prescott?),the author of Vault Attack and another puzzle game (my memory sucks right now, I'm still tired from the drive home I guess)., both were good games too.


I had a good time! And now .... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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CINCI-CLASSIC WAS SO MUCH FUN IT WAS ILLEGAL (I spent most of Saturday night trying to get out of jail, thanks to that! ;) :D )


Man! This may have been better than Philly!


I made out better in terms of loot.

I had a WICKED good booth where I sold some stuff and pitfallaimee CLEANED UP. She has a FAT wad of cash now.

Al was sleepy all the time cause he drove so far and, well.....other things. He would NOT karaoke for anything and that's too bad, but

Tempest DID dance, and I DID get pictures. :D

Scooterb got addicted to Spider-man

I was next to last in the Black Widow tourney, don't feel too bad BP.

I got to hang out with BP and Cafeman for two whole days (mega cool cats)

I got to meet IceCold, even if he chose to remain anonymous (you scamp!)


Man, so much went on I forget as I try to relive it all! My FULL report with pictures (a lot of pictures) will be available (hopefully) by the end of the week at Atarinvader.com!


And I'll talk more here as I can make sense of it.



:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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