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CinciClassic attendees-show of hands!


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It defnitely was great fun, although I have one very small complaint, and that is: there were not enough chairs. I guess I'm a lazy guy, but after about 5 hours of standing, my legs starting cramping up, but it was worth it for how sweet everything was. I pretty much doubled my collection of 2600 carts, for a very cheap price. It was just so much fun playing everybody's games, and overwhelming seeing all that gaming stuff there. It was also sweet playing the Arcade Asteroids machine.

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"Stan VS Snider-Man Entombed Deathmatch" which was PRETTY !@#$ FUNNY to me!


<begin Cartman pissed voice>


<end Cartman pissed voice>


At one time, I was the reigning Entombed champ in my town. Hell, I ws the only Entombed player in my town! So, I finally had the opportunity to go against the Entombed World Record holder. Well, I had my butt soundly handed to me on several occassions. I'd like to think I gave as good as I got though. It was great playing Entombed vs. someone who actually knew the in-and-outs and nuances to the game. Stan, I bow to your skill....for now. ;)


Cinci was great and enjoyed myself thouroghly. Some highlights:

* Finally playing Entombed vs. Stan. Was looking forward to that for a while.

* I bought Cafeman a cup of coffee. Happy to feed a man's vice.

* Many good deals were to be had.

* Ask Stan - I had the Mother of All Snider-man Giveaways while there! I WAS INSANE! I NEEDED HELP! I COULDN"T STOP SELLING ALL 2600 CARTS AT 50% OFF MY ALREADY LOW-LOW PRICES!


Ahem - sorry. Went into "used appliance salesman" mode there.


* Met many fine folks from the boards. You know who you are.

* I know this is the Atari board, but I was able to score many fine rarities for my new Colecovision collection.


Looking forward to seeing you all again in Philly. Stan, bring the cart. I am now in "zombie-avoidance" training. We *will* meet again in the tombs!

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I CANNOT wait for the rematch. Playing against you was TOO much fun (and for the record, I beat ol' Snider-man 4 games straight! Once thanks to the Zombie and the Zombie alone! :P ) I can honestly say that was one of the biggest highlights of the show!




I had too much fun with Snider-man at the show this year. He's among the coolest cats I know! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

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Glad everyone had a great time at Cinciclassic. Does anyone remember seeing the Vectrex stuff I sent there which Pat O'Neill was showing off? That would be the Protector cart demo (defender), Verzerk and Pythagorean Theorem cart with VecVoice (speaking Vectrex circuit)...


I'm just terribly curious how well that suff was received. ...


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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ScooterB, we talked briefly during the infamous "Stan VS Snider-Man Entombed Deathmatch" which was PRETTY !@#$ FUNNY to me!


Shoot, I wish I would have realized that cafeman...well it was cool to talk to you.


The Entombed deathmatch was great fun to watch...


Stan's attempts at the world record were even better...I've never seen anybody's skill at a game regress so quickly...Stan, you started to play like me on that game by the end!!!! ;)


BTW, I broke 1000 on Spider-man today...


Sniderman, and Stan ... BOTH OF YOU'RE PRICES WERE TOO LOW, NEXT YEAR I AM GOING TO DEMAND TO GIVE YOU MORE MONEY THAN YOU WANT FOR YOUR STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* ok, I'm better now. I hope you forget that outburst by next year...


Please, somebody say they have pictures of Tempest dancing...

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Man, where to start!


I had so much fun, met a lot of people, sold a lot of games (for a FAT wad of cash) and prevented the AtariAge crew from entering Dave & Buster's...though the restaurant we DID find was...uhhhh...interesting. Big Player is my hero for killing a evil hellspawn spider that found its way into my box of genesis games...I got to listen to Albert singing the Parker Brother's Spider-Man opening music MORE TIMES THAN ANYONE ELSE (it is now stuck in my head). By the way, Albert drives like a maniac, especially when competing with StanJr. I have never held onto a door handle as tightly before. I guess I was a bit on the quiet side, but I was really tired, and more often than not I was either falling asleep or resting my head on Stan or Al.


I have to say, if you don't know already, AtariAge has some of the coolest folk in all the land. You have NO idea how much I wish this event wasn't over--saying goodbye to the gang seemed to come all too soon.

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@Cafeman. Yes, that was me at D&B on Friday night.


@CincYnoTi. Nope, no giveaways. I bought 2 Atari Age T-shirts--wish I could do more to support AA.


Snider-Man's deals were INSANE! I bought ten carts from him at drastically reduced prices.


The "Snider-Man vs. Stan Entombed Deathmatch" was a sight to see! :D


I'll post more as soon as I can remember it. :)

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So is everybody ready to do this again next year? As long as it still happens next year, I can just about guarantee I'll be there. Although I think before I go next year, I'll buy an AtariAge t-shirt and I'll bring some tradebait with me. Heck, I may even rent like half a table. I'm hoping that everyone will be able to attend next year, I can't wait until then.

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I'd defnitely be ready in 2 weeks, but I'll have to wait longer(a year :( ) so I think I'm gonna start saving some extra money right now, so that I'll have even more money by next year. I can't wait until we do this again, I just hope some of the people like StanJR and the rest don't give up collecting by then, but I have full confidence in them that they won't. Maybe somebody could organize(maybe me!) another classic gaming even, maybe near akron or canton area. I'd be willing to try to organize something like that, if I thought I could get enough people to show up.

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Glad everyone had a great time at Cinciclassic.  Does anyone remember seeing the Vectrex stuff I sent there which Pat O'Neill was showing off?  That would be the Protector cart demo (defender), Verzerk and Pythagorean Theorem cart with VecVoice (speaking Vectrex circuit)...


I'm just terribly curious how well that suff was received. ...


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA


Thank God for those Vectrex units -- if I hadnt spotted them near the entrance as I was desperately searching for the well-hidden location, I'd have turned around and explored the other end of that mall!


Yeah, I tried out Protector and Verzerk with the voice. It was depressing because I'm a big 5200 fan, and to hear the Vectrex and 2600 versions, both with superior voice to the 5200 version, was like shooting my dog or something. I died quickly in Protector , lasted a wee bit longer in Verzerk. Good stuff!


About Protector ... who programmed this for Vectrex? Is this the same game as Protector on Jaguar? Then what is Songbird's Protector S.E.? All the same game? All the same programmer?

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Glad everyone had a great time at Cinciclassic. Does anyone remember seeing the Vectrex stuff I sent there which Pat O'Neill was showing off? That would be the Protector cart demo (defender), Verzerk and Pythagorean Theorem cart with VecVoice (speaking Vectrex circuit)...  


I'm just terribly curious how well that suff was received. ...  


I must say I was ***very*** impressed w/ both games. I'll be buying protector as soon as it's released. Any idea when? :?: The game flowed so smoothly you quickly got drawn into it. The controls were instantly responsive but I think this game would be a good reason for me to go buy one of those larger arcade like controllers (Yea, other reason to get something :D ). I'd have to say thats the most fun I've had on a vec for quite a while. Verzerk was great also although I did notice that it slows down a bit when you have 8 robots on the screen but once you shoot one or two it's back to normal. The vecvoice was great sounding, if a bit hard to hear w/ all the background noise. If verserk & the vecvoice had been available at the show I would have picked them both up which is just as well since I was able to spend my money on other things. There was just way to much to choose from.


I have one quick question regarding the Sega Saturn contollers. I noticeded all of the saturn systems had the large round contollers, are these the ones that came w/ the system? My Saturn has smaller genny like contollers. After playing Metal Slug for a while (great game, hadn't played it before) I think I like the larger contoller a little better.


Great time. Can't wait to do it again.

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I have one quick question regarding the Sega Saturn contollers. I noticeded all of the saturn systems had the large round contollers, are these the ones that came w/ the system? My Saturn has smaller genny like contollers. After playing Metal Slug for a while (great game, hadn't played it before) I think I like the larger contoller a little better.


Those are the Saturn 3D controllers that came with NiGHTS. Not many games use the analog pad, but most people (myself included) think they're much more comfortable to use than the standard pad.



"Para Para Master"

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Hey all, this is my first post here. At CinciClassic I was the one in the striped shirt at the table with the Kaboom tournament. I was glad we were able to find a game that's easy enough to play but the games don't take too long either. We were there to promote our website www.bitsmack.com. I hope to have my CinciClassic pictures up on my site this week. After meeting so many cool people at CinciClassic I decided to start checking out the forums here. With all the money I spent I have to start saving now to be ready for PhillyClassic.

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Hey all, this is my first post here. At CinciClassic I was the one in the striped shirt at the table with the Kaboom tournament. I was glad we were able to find a game that's easy enough to play but the games don't take too long either. We were there to promote our website www.bitsmack.com. I hope to have my CinciClassic pictures up on my site this week. After meeting so many cool people at CinciClassic I decided to start checking out the forums here. With all the money I spent I have to start saving now to be ready for PhillyClassic.


Were you the one who also had 2 jags and a laptop there?

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Yeah we had the 2 Jags there cause we were going to setup head to head Battlesphere and Doom. For some reason we couldn't get it to work. Either there's something wrong with the Jaglink or it has something to do with hooking up 2 different models of Jaguar.

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Bitsmack had a cool booth! I was mesmerized by the Jag Dragon's Lair they had going. I think I got a shot of their booth, I hope so.


Scooterb! Congrats on your Spider-man score, I told you to hang in there! (HE SO loves that game!)


What I have not mentioned was Big Player waxing my ass in Double Dunk, I think the score was 54-21 or something. I demand a rematch once I get some time to practice!


And, yeah, my Entombed skillz dwindled after my first attempt (176 by the way, good enough for second place on TG), but I gave it a shot! And I will again next year!


So where's the next big convention??? :D

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