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Planet Bob - Playing Spore (C64)


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Hi there!


The real Spore game. Not to be confused with some hyped-to-death genitals construction kit :lol:




Yay! After P.O.D. Mastertronic once again published a game mastering the art of the single screen shoot'em up! :)


This one here is actually a way cool Gauntlet clone. And even though it has fewer gameplay elements and a level is only one single screen in size, it's gameplay is not only deeper, but even more fun as well!


You're a vigorous little 8-ways shooting something. Your fighting against evil spore swarms, while trying to collect vaccines.


The levels contain mostly walls, barriers, spore generators and laser barriers. The later can be deactivated by shooting certain switch blocks. The laser barriers are often guided by mirrors which, when shot, will change the path of a laser barrier.


These few elements in combination with clever level design make this game an awesome experience. You have to put much more thought into your actions in order to make some progress. E.g if you just blindly shoot around and deactivate all laser barriers at once, you'll be overrun by spores in next to not time :-o


Today I blasted through a first ~20 levels already, we'll see how far this one goes! :)






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