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The "I got my Skunkboard!" Thread


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configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH


Found GCC 3.3 and GCC 4.0 on my Tiger OS X install discs, thought I installed them. Still get this error. I'll keep trying.


After installing it may be possible your path needs to be re-sourced. Closing the shell and brining it back will do that automatically.

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Thank you Hyper_Eye and encouragement from Belboz, I got the source compiled and working! I mean my MAC is working with my Jaguar! This is so cool. (I don't have to drag my XP machine out of mothballs or reformat my Win98 Jag laptop.)


This was neat. I was able to load Braingames, something that did not work on my Atari Flash Card. Other images worked fine, and the two flash stores worked fine. Really neat device.





Edited by doctorclu
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I got some BJL (ram based) programs to run. Jagmania in particular.


What is the command for changing the address?


I've used

jcp maxx.jag $5000


No luck on that.


jcp maxx.jag /$5000

Loaded the program at $4000... but then maxx.jag might have instructed the program to load at $4000? Well anyway the Maxx demo didn't work. Not sure that the actual load address is for that demo, but it wouldn't let me try 5000 for some reason.

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I'm pretty impressed so far, and am looking forward to messing with it some more. It scares the hell out of me that I'm going to break this little thing, though, so I'm considering putting it and an extra Jaguar in a PC case of some sort, so that it can stay in and be protected full-time.


Building cases is COOL. Send pictures if you end up with a custom case. :D


The Skunkboard is pretty durable. While programming and burning in all your Skunkboards, I've been through about 600 insert/remove cycles on my Jaguar. I haven't had a single damaged board and my Jaguar's edge connector is still doing fine.


My 'tips':

1) When inserting, push down on the board from above, between the USB ports.

2) NEVER touch the components when removing the board. Put your fingers in the grooves on the sides of the board and rock gently, then pull free.

3) Always always power off BEFORE removing the board. Always always power on AFTER inserting the board.


If you've been walking around on carpet all day in your socks, touch a nearby outlet or the metal case on your PC to ground yourself before handling the Skunkboard. The Skunkboard is somewhat immune to static but it never hurts.


- KS

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Got mine today! Thank you!


Looks great. I am currently without a Jag unfortunately, but one should be here in a few days. Can't wait to give it a whirl!


I may look into making a case as well. I just got done creating cases for two MMC Reply/RR-Net (C64) combos...and what a bitch that was :) This may be a little easier...

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It is used twice to typecast in jcp.c

line 765 in DoSerialInfo() as a cast from (unsigned char *) to (unsigned long *)

line 817 in DoSerialBig()... same cast.


D'oh.. that's why I can't find it. I already changed that in my development tree to something that's not endian-specific. ;)


Thanks for helping out!

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What is the command for changing the address?

I've used

jcp maxx.jag $5000


No luck on that.


jcp maxx.jag /$5000

Loaded the program at $4000... but then maxx.jag might have instructed the program to load at $4000? Well anyway the Maxx demo didn't work. Not sure that the actual load address is for that demo, but it wouldn't let me try 5000 for some reason.


Escaping uses a backslash (\), not forward-slash, so \$5000. Since that's a pain, it also supports the C style 0x declaration, like "0x5000".


That said, I've never got the MAXX to work on Skunkboard reliably, it's doing something weird in its startup.


We have a compatibility list over at JSII - it's just the basics as I don't think anyone has updated it since I posted it, but it's a start:


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Escaping uses a backslash (\), not forward-slash, so \$5000. Since that's a pain, it also supports the C style 0x declaration, like "0x5000".


That said, I've never got the MAXX to work on Skunkboard reliably, it's doing something weird in its startup.


We have a compatibility list over at JSII - it's just the basics as I don't think anyone has updated it since I posted it, but it's a start:



Ok, one to add so far to the works list...

jcp Asteriods.jag -o 0x20000

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We have a compatibility list over at JSII - it's just the basics as I don't think anyone has updated it since I posted it, but it's a start:



adding to the works list...

jcp atomic.bin (default 4000... didn't want to work at first, first successful used jcp -o atomic.bin 0x4000)

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We have a compatibility list over at JSII - it's just the basics as I don't think anyone has updated it since I posted it, but it's a start:



adding to the works list...

jcp surround.bin (default 4000)



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We have a compatibility list over at JSII - it's just the basics as I don't think anyone has updated it since I posted it, but it's a start:



adding to the works list...

jcp projectw.bin (default 4000) (otherwise known as "Warlords")



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We have a compatibility list over at JSII - it's just the basics as I don't think anyone has updated it since I posted it, but it's a start:



adding to the not-works list... the Badcoder library, which should load at $4000, but doesn't for some reason. Tested 0, 1, and 4 (the original 4, not any that came after it.)



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We have a compatibility list over at JSII - it's just the basics as I don't think anyone has updated it since I posted it, but it's a start:



adding to the not-works list...


jcp blkdemo.jag (default) (otherwise known as "Blackout")




(A simple demo, but comes up to a opening screen and music.)

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We have a compatibility list over at JSIIhttp://www.jaguarsector.com/index.php?auto...icle&id=471

adding to the works list...

jcp surround.bin (default 4000)

Right on! I can't wait until my Skunkboard gets here - Surround looks like a fun little game but I've only seen videos of it!


Surrounded is a blast. Far from perfect, sometimes the game locks up when you die, but still a great game.

One that I beat. :D (And technically started my climb to video game champion.) ;)


I think I beat Bubsy after Surround.

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The dimensions are set up so that you can modify an existing Jaguar cart for use as an enclosure. So, people who are mechanically gifted might try that hack.


I really would have liked to do a custom cart shell, but the prices just didn't work out. The tooling is very expensive (minimum $3000), and that assumes the design has no errors. Since injection mold design is sort of a black art, it was hard to find experienced designers that would do that kind of design for under 20 hours @ $100/hr. If I had done it myself, and made a mistake, it could have been $6000 or $9000 in 'lessons learned'. ;)


Kudo's for keeping the price down.


Looking at projects, like the Cuddle Cart, you could've easily raped people, and chose not to.

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Looking at projects, like the Cuddle Cart, you could've easily raped people, and chose not to.


Hey, I like the Cuttle Cart, so I hafta jump to Chad's defense. ;) The Skunkboard would be $200 except that I went crazy cutting corners. Other designers might not be so willing to sacrifice.


Something that costs $15 when you make 100,000 will cost $150 when you make 100. Nobody's trying to rape people; hobby stuff is almost always sold at zero or 'negative' profit. It's just expensive because there's no volume.


This is the price we have to pay for having obscure hobbies! :D


- KS

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The original CuttleCart and CC2 weren't priced too bad, what were they $125 or something? It 's the aftermarket value that is raping people - $400.00+ for a CC2.


@Chuck, I thought you were done with the Jaguar? If not, maybe you could finish that Korean Fighter game port you were going to do. :D

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sometimes the game locks up when you die, but still a great game.


First time I've been made aware of this......perhaps a closer study next time you play?

Try to figure out if certain conditions cause this? I'll look at the code if you figure it out.



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First time I've been made aware of this......perhaps a closer study next time you play?

Try to figure out if certain conditions cause this? I'll look at the code if you figure it out.


An improved version for the Skunkboard!


Ok, the game always loads fine first off.

The game (at least when testing the older copy of Surround) after showing the introduction twice (explaining the enemies and all) has the screen turn blue and then the screen goes black.


So far on five of my test runs the game has locked up after I die the first time.


Just got up to level 7 where the Demon just STARTED to fire at me, got hit, game froze up. This is the tested on the fixed version of the game.


Good luck! Probably one of the best free games these new Skunkboard owers will play.

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