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s0c7's Blog - Now what?


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I've pretty much finished Bifröst. I've posted the latest version down in the Homebrew section. I went through the source and cleaned up some of the redundant code. I was bad about changing things and not completely cleaning up the original way I did it. Anyway, I got some space back. I was able to add the rainbow color cycle effect I wanted to the victory screen and a title. Pretty much everything I had originally hoped to fit into it made its way in. I'm happy with it.


I guess I'm going to submit it to the mini game compo. I know, I know. It's kinda gone downhill lately. Still, the only way the compo will ever get back to where it was is if people submit stuff.


And now on to the muscial portion:


One of my favorite regional bands in the 80's was Let's Active. Mitch Easter still plays a few gigs now and then, but since the other two original members are long gone he calls the band Gravel Truck (named after one of their songs) and refers to the band as a Let's Active cover band.





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