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Bob's Blog - Another console...


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SO I ADDED YET ANOTHER console to my (unwieldy) collection: a 7800!


And the totally sweet game Pole Position II. :D


I've been resisting acquiring this for a few years now, but my resistance finally melted when, out of the blue, someone offered to sell me their CC2. After hemming and hawing for a week or so I decided, in the end, that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get one. And so, of course, I needed a 7800.


And so here I am today, burdened with another 1980s machine to play with. :)


I must say, it is a nice-looking little beast, and I very much appreciate that the difficulty switches are in the front, as well as the joystick ports. Had fun with the kids yesterday playing PPII for a bit.



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