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Christos' Blog - Atari 16/32 gaming in 2009.


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Hi, finally found an idea to update my blog. I guess that's fun.


Though I don't think I am as much a gamer as I was last year (or active in the atari scene for that matter), I am still here. Still browsing the web, still getting new ideas, still helping out with STOT, though I've taken quite a backseat there with Thorn doing most of the work. So what is the state of things in 16/32 gaming this year?


For a starters, a few sites have gone active and a few more continue. Atarimania started an ST section, the Guardians of the past went online after 2 years in the making and Atari Legend woke up from the dead. More or less all these sites have the goal to showcase, and in the case of Atarimania and GOTP to preserve ST software. However if the past is any indication, I'd put my money on Atarimania. While GOTP has a nice and modern interface I find the fact that they don't recognise the work done by the ULS consortium (D-Bug and Klapauzius) and ppera (ok I don't think his "adaptations" work as they should and I don't trust him with my FAT, but I can't deny the fact that he is actually doing something and some people find it useful) a bad idea. If they are going in the HOL direction they should have included it. If they are taking the purist direction, well I don't agree with that. With a lot more atari users having hard disks, Satan or Ultrasatan, they are missing on a chance of becoming a very useful atari resource. Anyway, it was nice to see the site up and I hope they don't take this criticism badly.


Speaking of D-bug, well they are a bit to a lot demotivated. You see in a small world like our community, feedback is the most important thing. When you use something and enjoy it, taking the 2-3 minutes to let the person responsible know that is common courtesy. I am not speaking specifically about D-Bug here but taking the opportunity I'd like to remind you all to keep in contact with the software authors, thus ensuring updates and new software. I'd also like to remind myself the same thing ;). Klapauzius otoh, was caught up by RL. We'll see him soon.


In other news 2 old games were resurrected, a quite unfinished version of jaguar xj220 that oberze found in his hard drive was released by GOTP and Jamie (the author of Nitro) through D-Bug released his sidescrolling shooter Sideways. Both of this games got the D-Bug treatment. Also, the falcon got a new release by Puzzledize.. er I meant Paradize. It's surprisingly, a puzzle game called Jewelz.


Like I said at the beginning, STOT is still going strong, we organise tournaments in various parties Thorn goes to and of course a big tournament will be held at Outline 09. We are still trying to figure out the game, but we'll be there. Apart from that, Stickhead is still going on with reviews and gaming stuff and the latest issue of RGCD had quite a bit of ST stuff in it. A great job by Heavy Stylus.


Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading.






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