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How do I record my game play?


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TV Tuner or similar USB video capture device

A what? emoticon_hmmm.gif


The basic concept of capturing video from a console and saving it to a laptop would be a device to connect the console to the laptop and software that allows you to control said device.


I used the "google" to find the following:








I'm sure you could also search Ebay for "USB TV Tuner" or "USB video capture" and come up with dozens, if not hundreds of results.

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Wow, you should try to be nicer to other members who offer suggestions. Not a very good reputation you are building. How lazy can you seem?

If obviously you don't know how to convert VHS tapes to DVDs and don't know what Google or yahoo Search are, or are too lazy to follow the links that people have so nicely provided try thinking.

In fact, here's a "no brainer" question for you - Do you talk to people online face to face and if so, how do you do that?

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Wow, you should try to be nicer to other members who offer suggestions.


What did I do?


Not a very good reputation you are building. How lazy can you seem?

If obviously you don't know how to convert VHS tapes to DVDs and don't know what Google or yahoo Search are, or are too lazy to follow the links that people have so nicely provided try thinking.


I did use Google, couldn't find the answers I was looking for so I asked here because I'm sure alot of people have done this before.


In fact, here's a "no brainer" question for you - Do you talk to people online face to face and if so, how do you do that?


Here's a "no brainer" response for you - I read, type & click "Add Reply"

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So basically, you've never talked with someone and seen each other face to face online and if you haven't, you don't know how people do that?


Here, If you are not familiar with the phrase -

"Face to Face: - adj.

Being in the presence of another; facing: a face-to-face discussion.

adv. also face to face In person; directly: would rather talk face-to-face than negotiate over the telephone.

In each other's presence, opposite one another; in direct communication. For example, The two chairmen sat face to face, or It's time his parents met the teacher face to face.


Maybe this will be easier. A Microphone lets you hear someone's voice online and a __________ lets you see someone's face and hear their voice when talking online. When you want to take a picture of something in everyday life, you use a _________.


You aren't using critical thinking skills very well and replying in a sarcastic manner both in this thread and others, even if I am being a bitch too and hassling/razzing you a bit lol. People also like to see a "thank you" typed if they offer info to help.


Yeah, then I just stick the tape into my laptop.
- You can convert something recorded into a DVD then upload it onto the computer. You can also use a video capture card.

and from another thread -

What was that 'smart arse'?
- That person answered you question correctly btw. I think their point was that if you don't knw anything basic about your computer you should learn before messing around with it.


No worries or hard feelings, You are a kid. I don't think anyone hates you or anything dramatic like that, they just might get annoyed at having to spell everything out. I think many adults take some things for granted in that sense. I do think it's cool that you are asking questions when you don't know or understand something. :)

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You can convert something recorded into a DVD then upload it onto the computer. You can also use a video capture card.

and from another thread


I know, but recording straight onto a DVD would have much higher quality.


That person answered you question correctly btw. I think their point was that if you don't knw anything basic about your computer you should learn before messing around with it.


One hole in my knowledge doesn't mean that I don't know anything.


No worries or hard feelings, You are a kid. I don't think anyone hates you or anything dramatic like that, they just might get annoyed at having to spell everything out. I think many adults take some things for granted in that sense. I do think it's cool that you are asking questions when you don't know or understand something. :)


Well, the best you can do is to be honest when you don't know something.


Thank you.

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Yep, all we can do is the best we can in anything. :)


Reason why I suggested a webcam is because I think you should be able to set that to a dvd player although I've never tried and at the very least you can record it to your hard drive then burn it from the comp to a DVD. Webcams are also pretty cheap (I've deen them as low as $20) and depending on your finances you can also ger HD ones. Mine is a logitech and I've even recorded silly things my kid does on it since I don't have a camcorder ( which I really wish I could afford). It's a great cam with a very simple interface to use and if you need more distance from the comp to the TV all you need is a USB extension cable which again is cheap.

That's what I would do anyway. Good Luck! :)

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Yep, all we can do is the best we can in anything. :)


Reason why I suggested a webcam is because I think you should be able to set that to a dvd player although I've never tried and at the very least you can record it to your hard drive then burn it from the comp to a DVD. Webcams are also pretty cheap (I've deen them as low as $20) and depending on your finances you can also ger HD ones. Mine is a logitech and I've even recorded silly things my kid does on it since I don't have a camcorder ( which I really wish I could afford). It's a great cam with a very simple interface to use and if you need more distance from the comp to the TV all you need is a USB extension cable which again is cheap.

That's what I would do anyway. Good Luck! :)



This is the best suggestion for recording video game footage in his case. Depending on the webcam he buys, the video quality will be comparable to a VCD (or better) and the sound quality will be pretty decent too.

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