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Punch-Out! Wii


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Am I the only one that thinks the motion controls work great?


I've been primarily playing the classic control way, but I did try out the motion controls, and they seemed to work pretty well. Haven't tried the balance board yet.


One great thing about the motion controls is that it will give me a reason to go back and play through this game again to see how far I can get playing that way.

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I prefer the classic style myself. But to say this is the same thing as before is truly an understatement. The strategies from before don't work the same with a lot of the characters. In fact, I found myself having difficulty with Great Tiger the first time I went up against him. And Title Defense mode, let's just say I knew it would be tough, but _THIS_ is ridiculous! :D

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And Title Defense mode, let's just say I knew it would be tough, but _THIS_ is ridiculous! :D

Pretty much. I breezed through the regular mode in 2 days with almost no trouble, but when I got to TD mode it all went down hill. The difficulty just skyrockets! There's no gradual curve like there is in the regular mode, one moment you're taking down Mr. Sandman and then next moment you're on the mat with Glass Joe standing over you. I made it as far as the second Bald Bull and gave up.



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I prefer the classic style myself. But to say this is the same thing as before is truly an understatement. The strategies from before don't work the same with a lot of the characters. In fact, I found myself having difficulty with Great Tiger the first time I went up against him. And Title Defense mode, let's just say I knew it would be tough, but _THIS_ is ridiculous! :D


I don't quite understand you. You say that to say it's the same thing as the old NES game "is truely an understatement." But then you imply that it's not the same. :)

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TD mode it all went down hill. The difficulty just skyrockets! There's no gradual curve like there is in the regular mode, one moment you're taking down Mr. Sandman and then next moment you're on the mat with Glass Joe standing over you. I made it as far as the second Bald Bull and gave up.


Well.. one thing that evens that out is the exhibition mode where you fight the hologram. I didn't like at first, but it really came in handy when I got frustrated :lol:


I mean yeah, you can just stand there and study the other guys moves all day long without getting knocked out.. works great.

Edited by NE146
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And Title Defense mode, let's just say I knew it would be tough, but _THIS_ is ridiculous! :D

Pretty much. I breezed through the regular mode in 2 days with almost no trouble, but when I got to TD mode it all went down hill. The difficulty just skyrockets! There's no gradual curve like there is in the regular mode, one moment you're taking down Mr. Sandman and then next moment you're on the mat with Glass Joe standing over you. I made it as far as the second Bald Bull and gave up.



If you loose over 100 times (like I have) they give you "head gear" so you only take half the damage from punches. I have yet to use it but if I don't beat the second glass Joe in the next few attempts I think I will :) You might want to give that a try before quitting, unless you have already ;)

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And Title Defense mode, let's just say I knew it would be tough, but _THIS_ is ridiculous! :D

Pretty much. I breezed through the regular mode in 2 days with almost no trouble, but when I got to TD mode it all went down hill. The difficulty just skyrockets! There's no gradual curve like there is in the regular mode, one moment you're taking down Mr. Sandman and then next moment you're on the mat with Glass Joe standing over you. I made it as far as the second Bald Bull and gave up.



If you loose over 100 times (like I have) they give you "head gear" so you only take half the damage from punches. I have yet to use it but if I don't beat the second glass Joe in the next few attempts I think I will :) You might want to give that a try before quitting, unless you have already ;)

No way I'm going to take the time to lose 100 times. I wonder if it's unlockable some other way?



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No way I'm going to take the time to lose 100 times. I wonder if it's unlockable some other way?


My brother in law has that headgear! I was like how in the heck did you get that? And he said the game just gave it to me once i lost 100 times :lol:


Nah man but if you have any gaming skills whatsoever, you should be able to easily figure out and beat the boxers by just using exhibition mode to practice them for all 3 rounds since you cant get hurt. If you can't figure them out after 3 - 5 times of doing that then you need to work on your finger speed, or reconsider your hobbies :P

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No way I'm going to take the time to lose 100 times. I wonder if it's unlockable some other way?


My brother in law has that headgear! I was like how in the heck did you get that? And he said the game just gave it to me once i lost 100 times :lol:


Nah man but if you have any gaming skills whatsoever, you should be able to easily figure out and beat the boxers by just using exhibition mode to practice them for all 3 rounds since you cant get hurt. If you can't figure them out after 3 - 5 times of doing that then you need to work on your finger speed, or reconsider your hobbies :P

I never used the exhibition mode. I just played through the normal career mode. I think I lost once to Sandman, but I reset the game when that happened.



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Fantastic game, but I must nitpick. I'm probably the only person on Earth to be bothered a lot by this, but here goes:


1) I was ecstatic that the jogging scene from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! made it to this game (pink jogging suit and all), but what good is it when it doesn't even last three seconds? I didn't have time to even get goosebumps.


2) Part of the coolness in this series is that when you win by decision, you get to see your opponent's face in shock when you're declaired the winner. This happened in every PO game. Every one except this one. Why?

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Can someone rate the motion controls? How does the game feel using new controls as opposed to turning the Wii-mote sideways and using it like a classic controller?

I'm disappointed in the motion controls. Maybe it's just me, but I find them to be very inaccurate. Many times when I try to alternate between left and right hands, the game doesn't register that and just continues to throw punches with the same hand. I'm unable to time my punches smoothly like I could with the classic controls.

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Sorry if this is earlier in the thread but anyone get to Donkey Kong yet?


I'm up to Soda Popinski in the second go around (title defense mode)


with a staggering bad 17-212 (something like that) record


but this game is an A+ and the motion controls work great.


The only issue I had was the thumb stick on the nunchuck.


Sometimes when I wanna go left, it goes left/down and I get tagged.

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No way I'm going to take the time to lose 100 times. I wonder if it's unlockable some other way?


My brother in law has that headgear! I was like how in the heck did you get that? And he said the game just gave it to me once i lost 100 times :lol:


Nah man but if you have any gaming skills whatsoever, you should be able to easily figure out and beat the boxers by just using exhibition mode to practice them for all 3 rounds since you cant get hurt. If you can't figure them out after 3 - 5 times of doing that then you need to work on your finger speed, or reconsider your hobbies :P

Oh no you didn't! :x :D

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Fantastic game, but I must nitpick. I'm probably the only person on Earth to be bothered a lot by this, but here goes:


1) I was ecstatic that the jogging scene from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! made it to this game (pink jogging suit and all), but what good is it when it doesn't even last three seconds? I didn't have time to even get goosebumps.


2) Part of the coolness in this series is that when you win by decision, you get to see your opponent's face in shock when you're declaired the winner. This happened in every PO game. Every one except this one. Why?

I agree, the jogging sequence was cut way too short. You don't even really get a chane to listen to the music. The decision thing was not as big of a deal to me but yes, I did notice it.

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I gotta disagree with the comments about this game being a 're-run'. Yeah, all the old fighters are there, and yeah, they have similar moves, but (other than the minor league dudes), they play different, and the timing is completely different too. Take Don Flamenco for example. That guy is WAY more tough than he used to be. Each fighter looks like an update, but plays subtly different. Sure, Bald Bull does the ol' bull charge, but the timing to knock his ass to the ground is completely different.


Plus, everyone gets way harder in title defense mode. In my book, this is the poster game for how to successfuly update an old franchise. Make it shiny, and make it look new, but don't change the fundamentals of what made the original games(s) fun.


One thing I do like a lot, btw, is how much more character the characters have. Many of them are hilarious. I've laughed out loud several times, notable at King Hippo and Aran Ryan. And Don Flamenco dragon punches bulls :lol:


Good times. I forgot how much fun this franchise was. Make more!


I love this game. Only got to play it a little, but I am happy that they did not "mess" with it too much. More remakes need to be in the vein of this one.

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No way I'm going to take the time to lose 100 times. I wonder if it's unlockable some other way?


My brother in law has that headgear! I was like how in the heck did you get that? And he said the game just gave it to me once i lost 100 times :lol:


Nah man but if you have any gaming skills whatsoever, you should be able to easily figure out and beat the boxers by just using exhibition mode to practice them for all 3 rounds since you cant get hurt. If you can't figure them out after 3 - 5 times of doing that then you need to work on your finger speed, or reconsider your hobbies :P

Oh no you didn't! :x :D


Bah. Of course you can cheat and use exhibition mode.


I would say if you only play "for real" after you've mastered how to defeat the guys, you should reconsider your hobbies.


Modern system are for wusses


Wahhh, I don't wanna play unless I can use the cheats or walk-throughs.


Take your beatings like a man! :P

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Anyone got any hints how to dodge super macho man's closeline punch in title defense mode? I'm always able to dodge the first 2 swings but it just seems he's too fast (or my timing sucks) to dodge the third blow. It really makes me mad cause aside from the closeline taking me out I completely smash him.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone got any hints how to dodge super macho man's closeline punch in title defense mode? I'm always able to dodge the first 2 swings but it just seems he's too fast (or my timing sucks) to dodge the third blow. It really makes me mad cause aside from the closeline taking me out I completely smash him.


Start the first dodge earlier.

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