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Does Ebay not know what a "enhanced" part or &quot


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Okay, look at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=1384070343 . It says it's a "special playstation" and that it has an "enhanced part" added to it. It's against ebay's rules to have modded systems right, well you would think the ebay people would have caught this, unless they're too dumb to know what "special" and "enhanced" means... :roll:

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Given the sheer number of auctions on eBay, it's difficult for them to police every one of them individually. I'm sure they have programs that go through and search for certain keywords, like "mod chip", but as you can see people will try and find ways around them. What's interesting is the large stack of CDs that come with the auction. That's about 50 CDs, and there are what, 18 (supposedly original) games listed in the auction? Some of the games are mulitple discs, but I don't think that would account for as many discs as are visible. I could be wrong, though. :)



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Given the sheer number of auctions on eBay, it's difficult for them to police every one of them individually.  


Shame on you, Al, for making excuses for ebay. If they are unable or unwilling to police their service, they should be shut down. Size is no excuse for irresponsibility. Their success does not make it ok to allow auctions that are against their own rules to slip through the cracks.

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Given the sheer number of auctions on eBay, it's difficult for them to police every one of them individually.  


Shame on you, Al, for making excuses for ebay. If they are unable or unwilling to police their service, they should be shut down. Size is no excuse for irresponsibility. Their success does not make it ok to allow auctions that are against their own rules to slip through the cracks.


That's how I feel also, I mean, look at the sheer numbers of emulator/rom cd auctions. It's against their policy, but yet a good amount of them are not canceled. Yes, many are canceled, but I've seen many that have been let go.

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  • 2 months later...

I just mod my psone and it's working pretty good, now I don't know for how much I can sell it. A mod chip it's like 20 bucks and a new psone it's like 50, anyway I'm not planning to sell it :), check out those links ;)






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